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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / pre-qualified PJP weld for box joints
- - By ed1864 Date 09-12-2005 17:21
In AWS D1.1 I see that there is a pre-qualified PJP joint detail for box joints. (Section 3.12.4). However, I am working on a "below-the-hook" lifting device and which is apparently subject to AWS D14.1. I can't find a prequalified weld for a box joint in D14.1. Am I missing something? Do the prequalified welds of D1.1 meet the requiremeents of D14.1?


Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-12-2005 17:34
Hi Ed,
If memory serves me right, there are no prequalifieds in D14.1:97.
You must qualify all of your procedures.
John Wright

Edit: <opens mouth and inserts foot>
I just pulled my copy off the shelf and there are some prequalifieds shown.
Which of the joints shown in D1.1 are you referring to?
Parent - By ed1864 Date 09-12-2005 19:15
Figure 3.5 pages 110-112 D1.1:2004
Parent - - By ed1864 Date 09-12-2005 19:20
I was looking at D1.14:2005 annex 1 and D1.1:2004

In D1.1 I started with section which points you to 3.12.4, whichpoints you to table 3.5. However, nothing seems to corrolate D1.1 ro D1.14.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-12-2005 19:33
D14.1 Section 1 paragraph 1.7 lists D1.1 in the list of applicable documents, but it states that D14.1 governs if there are discrepencies between the two.
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / pre-qualified PJP weld for box joints

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