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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / welding Inspector reading material.
- - By waps75 (*) Date 09-24-2005 11:15
Hello to all,I want to do the CWI (certified welding inspection) course,but need some past papers or any form of material (books,e-site or ideas)which would assist me in preparing for this test which I don't want to fail on my first try.I want to be well prepared for my next step in the welding field.Thanks in advance for your comments or suggestions.
Parent - - By - Date 09-24-2005 12:50
From your statement about taking the next step in the welding field implies that you have the necessary experience to sit for the CWI test. Approximately 20 years ago, the thing that benefitted me the most for my CWI test was going to the prep course that the AWS offered. I spent 5 days at an AWS prep course at a hotel in Houston and took the test on Saturday morning while the information was still fresh on my mind. I, too, wanted to pass it on the first try, which I did. There is much reading material out there and many home courses that will benefit you, but the prep courses go over everything that is on the test. Some prep courses even guarantee you a re-test at no charge if you fail it the first time. If this is the path you want to follow, be prepared to pay a fair amount of money for this 5 day course, but it was worth it to me. You will be receiving many more suggestions from other people giving you advice on what worked for them. I suggest you heed all the advice you will be getting and decide what is best for you. These are a great bunch of people (welders, QC, Welding Engineers, etc.) that participate in this forum that are willing to share their ideas with you; all of it given in the best of intentions, so pay attention to all of them. Good luck.

Parent - - By waps75 (*) Date 09-26-2005 10:45
I live in Trinidad W.I.There is a company that offers the course here for $1,800 US.they have prep classroom sessions but only when you sign up you'll get reading material.I plan to do some studies at home for a year on the relevant topics before signing up.I have 25 years experience in the field,certified to aws D1.1, B31.1 with a sound secondary education. Finances for me is moderate with family to maintain.I cannot aford to fail my first try.Reading material is what I need now plus any advice I can get like yours chuck.Thanks.
Parent - By QCCWI (***) Date 09-26-2005 12:39

This was in another section of the forum.Click on or paste the link to get to that discussion.There you will find links to some sample tests.One is for D1.1 and the other is for API 1104. Some people seem to think the API book is easier for the CWI test(maybe because it is smaller).

I studied at home for a year before I took the test and passed it the first time. The test was easier than I thought it would be only because I was prepared to take the test.

Parent - By srw2506 (*) Date 11-14-2005 20:40
Spend the money and take the week seminar.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / welding Inspector reading material.

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