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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Aluminum Welding
- - By whmughal Date 09-26-2005 13:26
I am representing engro chemical pakistan. One of the leading fertilizer manufacturing industry in pakistan. My question is I HAVE WELDED A COMPRESSOR HEAD COVER BY AL. WELDING. BUT WHEN THE HARDNESS OF AL WELD WAS MEASURE THAT WAS LESS THAN BASE METAL. WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE FOR INCREASING THE AL. WELD.


waqas haider mughal
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-26-2005 15:37

Your question is not simple to answer.

It is typical for most weldable aluminum alloys to become softer in the weld and heat affected zone.

Different alloys require different heat treatments to regain their original properties. Some cannot.

If you tell us the type of alloy and thickness your base metal (substrate) is and what your choice of filler wire is, some of the board posters may have some good advice for you.

Here are some links to common questions similar to yours;

Why is my aluminum weld much weaker than the parent material?

What is the proper stress relieving practice for aluminum welds?

What are non-Heat treatable aluminum alloys?

What filler do I use for 6061T6 ?
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Aluminum Welding

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