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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Electro-Gas Welding Procedures
- - By Barrow3150 Date 10-06-2005 20:29
My company is considering the utilization of an electro-gas welding (similar to electro-slag welding) process to weld vertical butts on marine structures which are ABS classed. Is anyone aware of a pre-qualified procedure to weld A-36 grade plate up to 1 3/8" thick with this process? I understand that ESAB manufactures the equipment that is sold primarily in Europe.
Parent - - By Kamaruzaman (*) Date 10-10-2005 06:24
Sorry, before I used BS and AWS code for my tankage projects of electro gas welding process.

ABS ....
Parent - By Barrow3150 Date 10-11-2005 11:40
Sorry? Is there something you are trying to say about the about the process? We observed Croatians using the process but due to language barriers were unable to talk with individual operators about efficiency or problems.
Parent - - By - Date 10-11-2005 13:03
I can't help with your question regarding prequalified procedures for EGW. However, I did witness some of Samsung's attempts to use this process for the same application that you speak of (i.e. vertical hull splices between blocks in drydock).
They had numerous problems with this. The main problem is that a water-cooled copper cooling shoe is used on the inside and must run up the splice in tandem with the welding head. This necessitates cut backs on the hull stringers to allow the cooling shoe to pass through. Equipment setup was lengthy, especially on the inside. Fitup was also critical, and of course at the block splice stage there tends to be many fitup variations in gap, ranging from metal bound to large gaps (obviously the goal is to maintain overall dimensional requirements).
At the end of the day, Samsung found it to be faster to use semi-auto FCAW to weld up the inside, followed by backgouging and the use of mechanized FCAW on the outside. And of course this process was not suitable for some base materials, due to the truly massive heat input.
Parent - By Barrow3150 Date 10-19-2005 14:32
Thanks for the input. This will be a new build so design would be included in the fit of "strong backs" in way of the joint and tolerences are closely monitored in fit up. ESAB has contacted me and is supposedly setting up a demonstration weld. Thanks again
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Electro-Gas Welding Procedures

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