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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Beards
- - By edrews Date 10-07-2005 14:53
When I designed our welding program I thought I had everything covered. Then students with long beards and strong unions showed up on my door step.

I have visions of flaming students running around.

How do other schools handle this issue???
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-13-2005 14:54
One thing that you might remind those students of, is if they are going to go to work in an environment that requires any type of breathing apparatus or facemasks of any kind, the beards will go. I can see where you are having quite a fight over this one. The area that I am located in has numerous paper mills and chemical plants, in order for individuals to even be allowed on the job site they are required to have an adequate seal on facemasks, that won't happen with large beards. So in some cases if they want to work they will shave. Good luck on your dilema. Regards, Allan
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 10-15-2005 07:22
I have an instructor that will make safety code adjustments at any time that a perception of safe is in question. Also some institutions will not cover accidents if the safety code of record wasn't being followed at the time of the incident. You have control over the situation, make safety part of the curriculum and anyone who fails safety automatically fails. It is not discriminatory, since if you work in tank welding, respirators are required and that is one example of out of hundreds.
Parent - By Senor Mule Date 03-08-2006 18:24
I have run into the same scenario regarding my Divers and Welders. They can't do "Fit Testing" for respirators, which is required by most, if not all safety councils (for chem and petro-chem plants), which means no safety card or badge. I have seen many guys suddenly shave after sitting home for a few weeks, while their clean shaven counterparts are raking in cash. Tell your students it's ok to keep a beard, but explain that the places can work and experience they can gain will be limited, not to mention money as well.

If the beards are excessive that it violates school safety policy, they will either shave or have to find another school.

Safety First and Foremost - Right????

Good Luck

Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Beards

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