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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 8620 material
- - By cfrancis (**) Date 10-07-2005 15:28
Guys-- need some " quick advice "

We need to weld 8620(non-heattreated)material ( 2" round bar ) to 5/16" Grade A656 gr80. It is calling for a full " flare-bevel" weld.

Can I use a ER-80S-D2 ( LA-90) or do I have to bump up to a LA-100 or MC1100. Do I need to pre-heat this joint. Carbon shows to be .18-.23.

Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 10-08-2005 05:02
By saying that the 8620 is not heat treated, do you mean that it is normalized instead of quench & tempered? If normalized (or possibly annealed), the 8620 will probably be comparatively soft. However, it can still form a fairly hard HAZ. So preheat to at least 250F. The weld only has to be as strong as the weaker material (assuming there is adequate cross sectional area of the weld) for the joint to be full strength. Using the lower strenght matial also reduces the risk of cracking because the residual stresses will be lower.
Parent - By cfrancis (**) Date 10-10-2005 12:58
Thanks--On the drawing is just calls for 8620 ( non-heat treated). I assume that meant normalized / annealed.

Thanks for the help!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 8620 material

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