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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Fcaw job questions
- - By jay72chevy (*) Date 10-11-2005 05:50
Hi i work at a place near me for couple months now and its nice no one really bothers you but latley just gettig all bad jobs for 4 days in a row now. I have been doing Long seam repair grinding most of the day, instead of welding and layout stuff. They have a procedure on how to do things which is fine but the blue prints are made for the person who drew it up and left alot out. I am getting paid 12.20 an hour not bad pay but i know i can do better somewhere else since i went to school for welding/ blue prints and got my certs. My buddy who i showed and let use my garage mig welder did not go to school for welding is doing well and getting top rate now at the same job. You take a test 1'' thick plate beveled flux core flat position the job im at, its easy. So its money for now but i wanna try somewhere else. Can anyone give me advice on this?
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 10-11-2005 17:10
You sound like you are just starting out in the trade, or are young in years. Don't take this the wrong way but life is not guaranteed to be fair. There are all kinds of cliche's that could be used here but it all boils down to, "you have to look out for yourself" because no one can do that for you, and certinly not for the rest of your life. Also, you'll only drive yourself crazy worrying about what other people are doing.

While it is true that some people have personalities that get them noticed more quickly, that recognition doesn't last if they don't perform over the long term.
You will find that what is more important in the long run is to work with a good attitude and a willingness to apply yourself to doing a good job, even if the task seems boring and doesn't challenge your skills. If you consistently do a good job, before long your supervisors will notice that they don't have to "babysit" you which makes their job easier. That leads to trying you on other tasks that might be more challenging, and it keeps going from there.

The hardest job skill to learn is also one of the most valuable, and exactly what you need in this case. That skill is patience. No one can teach it to you, but once you are known for having it, many things in your life will get easier. We all know you have some patience because you said you went to school for welding. Now all you have to do is work on building up more.

Chet Guilford

Parent - - By jay72chevy (*) Date 10-11-2005 17:49
I have been welder for 7 years.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 10-11-2005 21:32
Understood. I'm guessing that puts you in your mid 20's? Your age and/or # of years of experience are not the important issues. I was guessing those from what you said in your initial post.
You are obviously unhappy, so your only choices are to quit your job, suffer through your job, or find a way to make your job better. You already indicated you intend to stick it out until you find something better or to see if there is any improvement; that's a good attitude to take. But I still think that patience is the key. Arcnflash mentioned a few things to consider. And he is right about never burning your bridges. You never know when a detour forces you to backtrack a bit until you hit the good road.
I guess all this is just a long winded way of saying to hang in there. It will get better.
Parent - - By Arcandflash (**) Date 10-11-2005 18:14
Chet has said it all when I said you have to look out for yourself. I get the feeling (sorry, if I got the wrong feeling) that maybe you are having some trouble at your current place of employment. Your comment about the blueprints only being good for whomever created them and perhaps you are being deliberately given grinding jobs. However, 4 days isn't a huge time to be doing work you don't like.

As a first step in looking out for yourself, can you sit down with your boss and talk about your performance ("I've been here for 2 months now and I'd like to know how I am doing....") and if there is anything you can do to make yourself a better employee.

If you do this, for heaven's sake wait for a good time to do it when he isn't busy and above all, do not, do not go in with a bad attitude and say something you wouldn't say to your grandmother! Never, ever burn a bridge!!! If things go well you can say you are happy but would like more opportunities to use your training and skills. Before you take this step sit down and go over exactly what you would say because if he cares, he is going to ask you how you like working there so far, likes, dislikes, etc. Also, remember that somebody in the shop has to do grinding.

Do you know for a fact your friend is making the top rate? By same job I don't know if you mean in the same place or that he is doing welding somewhere else. I often say that I've never been to a party where I heard of anybody making less money than I did!

Good luck,

Parent - - By jay72chevy (*) Date 10-12-2005 07:11
Bill Yes my buddy is making top rate he said it. He is making 14 an hour. I started the same job lil after he did. But my brother started when he did and he isnt getting top rate. This new guy i guess he is a higher up guy he walks around Looks acts like the part and he is a speaker of the shop and when people get hurt he does the meetings etc, he is been there for a couple of weeks now and last week he gave me my evaluation and so did everyone else. Everyone got there 50 cent raise. yes people get hurt alot at my job. They pay Osha off im guessing. All the ground cables are frayed chains to cranes are bad etc. Just the other week the crane holding the slip joint on a pole fell down on a guys leg. He is still in the hospital and his leg had been Frankenstiened. That new guy that walks around and acts like he is improtant tells me can you finish this up and tach everything in place so i can weld it tonight 3rd shift which he didnt. Tonight he said hey member what i said you step it up i get you more money hes telling me. Then he said something about Crack to me wise comment. I put in overtime. When i look at everyone else they are welding or doing lay out even the newer guys than me are welding. I am not a bad welder. Just wanted to know what you guys think. Thanks for your replies The story goes on but i gotta get to bed now.
Parent - - By Arcandflash (**) Date 10-12-2005 18:43
I don't know what detail is in your evaluation since they can range form "able to find the shop at starting time" to a very comprensive comment on various skills and attitudes. If nothing was mentioned, then you are back at finding out if there is a problem.

This "new guy" appears to be your immediate supervisor if he is telling you what to do and giving your evaluation. Sometimes for no obvious reason personalities clash, and from experience, there may be no solution to it. Based on your post, I would say you don't have a great relationship with this person and you don't appear to have much respect for him. I think you should find out exactly what this person's title is and where he fits in the pecking order. Remember that there is always a ladder with a person on the next rung up telling the people below what needs to be done (in varying degrees of detail).

If you can't make your job duties better then you have to look elsewhere. You are too young, even with your 7 yrs experience to work in a place you don't like. I will temper that with a comment about 2 months not being long enough to really see if you like it.

You mentioned people newer than you. Do they hire because of more work such as getting a big contract or do they hire because people are frequently quitting? If there is a high turnover because people aren't happy then that is a clue you aren't in a real good company.

If you decide you need to move on then don't quit until you have another job definitely lined up. It is easier to find a job when you have a job. It is easier to tell a prospective employer that you want to move to his company because of the opportunities, the type of products they make, etc than have to come up with a reason why you are unemployed that doesn't sound like you don't like work, bosses. Even if it is true, saying the last company wasn't fair, didn't utilize your skills, was a safety hazard, makes it sound like you are a problem. Not right, but the way it is. The absolute last thing a supervisor wants to do is hire a "problem", I can't emphasize that enough. A problem employee will suck up a supervisors time, create bad feelings among other employees will destroy the teamwork in a previously smooth running operation like nothing else. So if you look like a problem you have 2 strikes against you before your experience and qualifications are considered.

Once your mind is made up to move then get to work on it. The longer you stay in a place you don't like will just poison your attitude towards work and everything else. Your performance in the job will suffer and if you need a reference (assuming your company gives them) it may well be poor.

Good luck,
Parent - - By jay72chevy (*) Date 10-13-2005 07:14
He is not an immediate supervisor. Jim is. People quit. I dont make anything worse, i just work. they sit around in there hut stationed in the shop and come out when they feel. Tonight again i stayed overtime and as usual i got the gravy job all 2nd shift while everyone else welded up the all ready layed out poles for them all set up nice and pretty.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 10-13-2005 10:51
Sounds to me like the company has some serious management issues. Employees are a company's greatest asset and they need to be treated that way. When there are problem employees, you always try to salvage the employee, but when the bad outweighs the good, they've got to go.
There was a comment that the drawings were made for the person who drew them up, with a lot left out. You must be mistaken because detailers NEVER do that (he said with just a smidgen of sarcasm). I have seen detailers who couldn't draw a stick man without leaving off one of the arms. I remember a job where the detailer left off all the welding symbols. When I called, his answer was "You guys know more about that stuff than I do".
Some detailers seem to have a problem conveying what is needed, and it ends up on paper being something only they understand, or is something that the shop has questions about. With some detailers I've seen over the years, you also have to be able to read between the lines.
Parent - - By jay72chevy (*) Date 10-14-2005 03:42
Parent - - By jay72chevy (*) Date 10-27-2005 18:20
Just to update everyone on how im doing i have gotten a raise. My bro started when his friend did and he makes more than my bro for some reason he is making what i make and my bro been there longer than me. Its nuts where i work the supervisor has no time. They all hang out in the room and look up porn on the computer and giggle and what not everyonce in a while. There in there mid 20's and 30's. I know they have work to do but its rediculous. I mean the UT inspector he didnt come out of the room to do a UT for like 45 minutes cause of them "hanging out" in there room. There is a couple of people who do t here work in the shop t hat they rely on and two UT. Anyone tell me is this how every shop works?
Parent - By qcmike (**) Date 10-29-2005 15:28
A very easy "no". Most shops care about safety, quality, and production. Just sometimes not in that order. You have a serious management issue on hand.

I mean no disrespect. But, your posts of very illegible, and difficult to follow. If you take time with your post and proofread you will probably get a more accurate response.

Best of luck.


Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Fcaw job questions

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