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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Old Miller Bluestar
- - By Greyhorse Date 10-28-2005 18:48
I have an old Bluestar, about 1980, and I was wondering if there is a kit for auto-idle or something similar for it, it drinks gas at welding speed. It has wiring coming from the welder part to the throtle but all there is there is a switch and a lever for adjusting the throtle (weld or idle/power). It has a 16hp Kohler and is 225 amp max if that helps.
Parent - By leon phelps (**) Date 10-29-2005 23:15
try asking the question on Miller's board. I think is it found at
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Old Miller Bluestar

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