I have worked with this type of equipment since 1982, when my first job out of college was with Dimetrics. I have the impression that there may be a large population in the welding industry that are not aware of the really fantastic, precision mechanize/automated/remote welding equipment that is available. So I encourage people to check out what is availble from the following companies. Surely this is not a complete list, if someone knows of other similar companies/sites, please pass them on.
WeldLogic ( has been around for 25 years and they were one of the early group of companies to put together really top notch, precision automated GTAW lathe systems, tube weld heads, etc.
Liburdi Dimetrics(
Arc Machines ( Early pioneer in precision GTAW equipment.
Jetline ( Respected, sturdy equipment.
AMET Inc. ( The leading edge of technology.
Computer Weld Technology ( Talk to Floyd.
Magnatech (
Astro Arc Polysoude (
CRC Evans ( Big time into pipe lines.
Encompass ( New to me.