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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / inverter broken after carbon goughing
- - By paulherrmann Date 11-09-2005 21:43
I picked up a Kempii 380v 3-ph inverter (300A I think) for free...broken however... it appears someone tried carbon coughing with it and got it wrong now doesn't work at all... What would typically go wrong with such a machine and is it repairable?
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 11-10-2005 12:06
As far as my experience goes, gouging done properly has had no effect on the inverters I have used. POWCON 300S and 300st Years AGO.

It is my opinion that 250 amps is 250 amps is 250 amps no matter what is on the end of the cable.

Of course any evidence to support otherwise would be appreciated.

Gerald Austin
Parent - - By labtechy (*) Date 11-10-2005 17:57
Correct me if I'm wrong but @ 300Amps you couldn't use more than a 1/4" carbon. Haven't done arc gouging in years but my weapon of choice was a 1/2" carbon and 1000 amps. (this would make every burr in the place stand up straight).
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 11-10-2005 20:51
300 would be about it for me too on 1/4". My point is the process has little to do with the electrical load. If I were gouging with anything bigger than 5/16" , I would want a bigger machine.

And everything would have to fall within the duty cycle of the machine at that load.

Have a nice day
Parent - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 11-11-2005 03:35
when an inverter goes south, it usually goes DEEP south.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-11-2005 07:58
Hey Labtechy!

Ahh the memories of gouging inside and outside of the submarines while working @ EB!!! Not to mention the noise we made!!! Huh???

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - By labtechy (*) Date 11-14-2005 17:01
HUH? WHAT? Can't hear ya... I backgouged so many torpedo tubes I had nightmares. Lost enough hearing to prove it. It seems, 3rd shift was the gouging shift. I got blamed for one hell of a fire one time. Turns out my firewatch had gone to sleep. The ship super found him zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing in the bottom bay of a tank while the fire burned around him(lucky he had his air fed on). The super put the fire out, took his badge off him and gave it to my supervisor. He was walked out the gate early the next morning never to be seen again.
Don't know if you ever welded a bell crank foundation but I hear they cut the whole hull apart turn it upside down.The welder doesn't have to crawl up into the bay and weld it with mirrors. Another note, welding teams are sent to different shipyards now. If your specialty is reactors, steam generator pipes or even hull butts, you go to where you are needed. Sorry but every one has their own hanger bangers.
We built the best to sink the rest.

Parent - - By tool_man (*) Date 11-11-2005 14:20
If you know how to check the components,(usually an ohm meter will suffice) and the components are marked with a part number and/or value,you might want to obtain a semiconductor catalog from Newark Electronics and make the repairs yourself.I do not know your skill level so,I can't say.Check the components one at a time,mark them individually with a red paint marker...1,2,3,ect.At the same time write down the information on the component on a note pad.Take an inventory of the bad components and then make a decision whether to repair or throw away.Remember this.It's broken....therefore you have nothing....which also means you have nothing to loose by trying.
Parent - By paulherrmann Date 11-11-2005 19:24
Thanks tool_man
It would be great if I could get it running again as these things are damn nice to work with but at a I'll give it a bash.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / inverter broken after carbon goughing

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