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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / ra330 and 253 stainless
- By Brainfarth (*) Date 12-02-2005 11:35
A customer uses 330 stainless containers in their furance to maintain an argon atmosphere for their parts. Even though the s.s. has a high temp rating, they only get a few burns before the container falls apart or warps so badly that is has to be tossed out. Recently they changed over to 253 s.s. and I don't know the advantage of doing this other than the welding setup is alot different. We use a tri-mix for the 330 and straight argon for the 253. What are the heat ratings for the different metals? And what is the price difference between the two? Also, on the transition from 330 to 253, we used up the last of the 330 11ga plate and wire in combination of 253 plate and wire. Will there be any problems with this arrangement?


Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / ra330 and 253 stainless

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