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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / brazing fluxes and rods
- - By robjesse Date 12-06-2005 07:03
Is there any good online guide that tells you what is the best/acceptable rod (material type) to use for the metal you are trying to braze. Also if it could tell you which flux to use for the rod/application would be great. There is so many types of flux and rods to choose from I simply just don't know exactly where to start. Thanks for the help you provide here:).
Parent - By Dave (**) Date 12-07-2005 14:07
Here's a couple: and

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-07-2005 16:13
Here's another.....

John Wright
Parent - By robjesse Date 12-07-2005 18:31
Jeezz you gyes are excellent ;)
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / brazing fluxes and rods

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