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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Question about certification
- - By EF Date 12-12-2005 07:04
Well, I am doing this for my Husband, he has been talking about this for a while now, he loves to weld and still does, but this is not his career right now, he has been doing something else for the past years after we lost our buss. and everything else we had. He was certified AWS in 1984 or maybe 83, anyway, we lost everything in 1986, including all paperwork, his certification paper, my question is, is there a record somewhere of his certification? Does he need to re-test after all these years? Years go by, but does your AWS certs. keep the same number? I know I might sound a little, shal we say,, a little Un-hip to all of this, so I dont know If I am asking the questions correct,,but in other words, does he have to go threw school again to get re-certified? Where do we start to find those original certs? Where do we begin? I think he once said, LA Certification, we live in southern california, and he was certified AWS in San Bernardino, any help, I sure would appreciate, Thasnks,,,oh by the way,,,We lost a little black male dog, Pomeranion, very small in Riverside, but could be anywhere, lost on the 8th of Dec, we are desperate, and offering a large reward, just thought I would post that to, Iv left dog lost flyers everywhere withen 60 miles of Riverside ca.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-12-2005 12:02
Tell him not to sweat too much over the loss of the papers, most likely he'll need to re-test anyway if he is ever employed somewhere that requires welding to any type of governing code, regardless of the paperwork that he may or maynot have. Many codes will have a "period of effectiveness" in which if you must maintain your certified welder status by welding with the processes that he was certified in within a six month time frame you lose your certified welder status. The employer must maintain proof of this period of effectiveness to keep using the welder without having to re-test him every six months, by keeping a log of his welding.

Welding is like riding a bike, he'll probably pick right back up where he left off with a little practice.
Hope you find your canine friend soon,
John Wright
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Question about certification

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