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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Weld Symbols for Corners
- - By aardvark Date 12-14-2005 23:26
I am a drafter not a welder just to let you know up front. I have a sheet metal part that I want to fill in the corners where bend relief has left holes. The trick is that when all is said and done I don't want it to look as though there were ever holes there. How have you seen this anotated on a drawing? Would this be a plug weld or a fillet weld or something else?
Parent - By lincoln200 Date 12-15-2005 00:22
As a welder I would appreciate a simple note on the drawing specifying
what must be done. I can't recall ever seeing such a symbol.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 12-16-2005 20:17
Standard welding symbols are adequate for most situation. Those unique situations that are not addressed by a standard symbol should be addressed by a sketch indicating all the applicable information.

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Weld Symbols for Corners

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