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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Coupon cutting requirements
- - By Bizzarro Date 12-15-2005 00:15
I'm currently out of town on personal business so I don't have any reference material, but received a call from a coworker asking about requirements for cutting coupons for a bend test. Can anybody let me know if there are any specified guidelines for cutting methods. This is on 3/8 steel plate w/ backing to D1.1.
Parent - - By MBlaha (***) Date 12-15-2005 04:22
Flame cutting, saw cutting, plasma arc, (if you have one equipped to handle .375 plate) grinders equipped with cuttoff wheels are all means of cutting the coupons. However, flame cutting with a backing stip can be disatorous if not performed by a very skilled craftsman with a torch. We used a old milling machine that had tendencies to break down on occasion when I was teaching, but found that removing the backing strips was almost as easy by placing the coupon in a vice, and griding a v dead center of the backing strip in the direction of the weld, ensuring any tacks holding the backing stip in place are ground out, and then using a cold chisel to remove them driving it under the side.

Hope this helps.

Parent - By Bizzarro Date 12-15-2005 22:33
Thanks for the feedback, I was pretty sure that any of these methods were acceptable but wanted some verification.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 12-16-2005 20:07
If you use a torch to cut the coupons, remember to leave sufficient excess to allow you to remove the HAZ along the edges of the test pieces.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Coupon cutting requirements

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