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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI/CWE exam
- - By jason4190 Date 01-04-2006 22:47
hello to everyone and thank you for taking time to look at this. Ive been studying the d1.1 code book and also the welding inspection technologies book for the past month or so. im taking the exam starting this sunday is there anything that anyone can stress on that will help me on time or material that i should know real well before going into the seminar.
Parent - - By P3RDEGREE Date 01-05-2006 18:11
They say that there are no "trick" questions but many of the multiple choice answers leave little hope for deductive reasoning.Everything on the exam was covered in the seminar. Try to take accurate notes with details (You may be allowed to use a tape recorder for the seminar only)and for the Practical Part you will need to know how to use the Measuring and Test Equip. I hope the calculator you use is one you are used to. I left mine at home & ended up buying a new one. Study but also get plenty of rest & try not to be anxious. The Practical Part was more difficult than I expected. Also Need to be familiar with the aspects of Non-Destructive Testing, Ethics. I brought 10 sharpened No. 2 Pencils. Don't depend on luck.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-05-2006 19:27
Rule #1: If you don't already "know" the information before the seminar, the seminar will NOT pass the test for you.

Rule #2: Study your a** off right up until the day before the test, then relax the night before the test. If you really know the stuff your mind will be needing a slight break in the action.

Rule #3 & #4: Go down through the answer sheet answering the questions you are 95 - 100% certain of, then go back and answer the ones that take more time / thought; MOST IMPORTANT: if you use this rule, do NOT miss a box thereby inadvertently placing the correct answer in the wrong line/box. As much as I hate saying this, when all else fails and you're running out of time... guess. Some chance is better than no chance! Don't leave any question unanswered!

(NOTE: Unaswered questions throws the computer program AWS uses for grading the tests off and then they have to be graded by hand, thus causing more delay in receiving you results!!!)

Rule #5: Another VERY important rule... do NOT second guess yourself once you've made what you believe to be the best answer!

Rule #6: Remember we're all here to give you the best possible advice so study hard, know your material and use the seminar as a refresher, you'll do fine!

Good luck!
Parent - - By jason4190 Date 01-06-2006 02:07
the cwi at the school im working at has us mainly concentrating on part a and c and now im nervous about part b because here it is the thursday before and i dont know much about it. all i have is a code book and the welding inspection technologies book. what is in there that i can use to help me with the part b fo the exam.

Parent - - By S.E.N.S.E (*) Date 01-08-2006 04:21
Jason, we will be studying every night, we have been preparing for the last two months, we are gonna be as prepared as anyone for this test! With your notes and mine I know we will do fine. I took today off from studying, and I am gonna hit it hard again tommorow afternoon. Dont forget to bring your tabs and calculator and crap. Talk to you tommorow, and if I dont tell you before the exam, good luck.

Parent - By jason4190 Date 01-08-2006 05:53
well good luck to you buddy im sure that we'll be able to get through this. im getting nervous tomorrow starts it all. i took saturday off of studying too figure we'll be hitting it hard all week and just wanted to give my mind a chance to relax. see ya tomorrow

Parent - - By MICHAEL B (*) Date 01-05-2006 19:23
I know you won't believe it, as I didn't, but just pay attention in the seminar, take good notes and study every night what you learned that day. We were all stressed out when Thursday rolled around and the 9 year re-certs showed up and laughed at us. You will know the moment you walk out of each part of the test how you did. Go with that, do not beat yourself up worrying about it. The 6 weeks waiting period to get your scores (4 weeks in my case) will not go fast enough. Every day that passes you will begin "wondering" did I get this or that right. When I got done I called my boss and told him I thought I passed. The closer it came to test result time I kept 2nd guessing myself on why I didn't pass. As it turns out I did (thank God). Good luck let us know after the test how you feel you did.

Parent - - By jbtowner Date 01-27-2006 14:33
Is there anyone from the oklahoma city area to help me study for my D1.1 CWI test????? I am going again in March
Parent - By QAQC Date 07-05-2006 04:27
if any body having awc/cwi model question papers,please send to me on
Parent - By hotweldertulsa Date 09-07-2007 13:12
Hey Ive been welding about six years and know Im wanting intop inspection. I need to what to get and where to get the study materials. I see people with different books I was hoping you had some suggestions. Aaron
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI/CWE exam

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