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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Intership
- - By Twiitch (*) Date 01-05-2006 16:04
I am looking for a Company, Welder, or Shop that is looking for someone that is wanting and willing to work very hard and learn even more. I just moved back to the Chicago, Illinois southern burbs mainly the Darien area from Utah. I attented a welding Technical College for 40 class/shop hours. I am also taking night classes at College of DuPage for welding and general coursework. I have been looking for some welding work but it is very difficult to get past not having the training required. I am looking for the chance to work for a company or in a shop and get the experience and training, in return work very hard and produce quality work. I guess that I am just looking for a chance or foot into the door of the industry. I have served four years in the Air Force and have a clear understanding of quality of work, drive, and pride. I was a mechanic and worked on many different pieces of equipment used to test, maintain, and repair aircraft. Any help would really be great and used to the fullest.

Brett B.
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 01-06-2006 05:40
The helmets to hard hat helps people that have served our armed forces get into many of the field construction apprentiship programs. ie. ironworkers, carpenters, pipefitters, boilermakers, millwrights, etc. With the raising demand for electric power, and the demand for alternative fuels, construction of new plants and repair of the older ones is really growing in my area, which is just north of you, WI.
Check out this website for the boilermaker apprentiship program.

Good luck

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Intership

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