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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Best Jobs for 2006
- - By ratboy69 (*) Date 01-11-2006 21:22
Like Ratboy has said all along ; if ya like the trades go into becoming an electrician or plumber. Yahoo finance has a blurb on the best jobs for 2006--- Electrician was on the list-- not welding. Listen to Ratboy and you'll go far but ya gotta choose the correct trade! Regards to all, ---Ratboy
Parent - - By QCCWI (***) Date 01-11-2006 22:00
ratboy Did you read it or just glance at it hoping not to see welding so you could run your mouth. Go back and read what the "expert" said about Electrician (Among the trades, this is my favorite.) Why is Electrician his favorite? Maybe the Electrician came to his house and ran the wiring for his new hot tub.He loves his hot tub so Electricians rule.The "expert" is just like you not smart enough to realize that without welders where would you and him work.All the wire Electricians run wll not hold a building up.All that wire will also not keep your car in one piece. So until that "expert" actually needs a welder,welding will not be his favorite trades.

That article is speculation from "experts".Yahoo "expert" weather has been calling for rain where I live for 2 days and guess what NO RAIN.

Bottom line is just because someone writes something you want to hear and believe does not and will not make it the truth.
Parent - - By metallord (*) Date 01-11-2006 23:24
seems that things must be a little different down in the alberta anyway.theres welding jobs everywhere,good shops are paying 30$ to 35$ an hour with all the o.t. you a contractor i work 10 to 12 hrs a day 6 or 7 days a week.85$ is the going rate,do the math.seems maybe theres a reason ratboy plays down the welding trade,maybe he cant weld or maybe he cant keep a job because of his attitude.has this guy ever written to this forum about welding or is he just a pain in the ass.maybe someone can suggest a forum were he can take his opinions and leave us poor starving welders alone.

Parent - By shroomygirlkk Date 01-29-2006 02:53
Metallord just a quick question it seems by what I've read that you have your own welding truck and me and my b/f a journeyman welder in B.C. are buying property back in Alberta (where i'm from) I am wondering about the logistics of owning and contracting out a welder. If we buy a truck do we need a g.s.t # (probably yes) and what kind of bookwork do I need to keep do you do your own books or someone else? we just don't know how after we buy all this and he will probably easily have jobs in Alberta what kinda records we keep and how do we pay the taxes? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
Parent - By tito (**) Date 01-11-2006 23:29
I knew it wouldn't take long for somebody to respond to "The Villiage Idiot". It seems to me if someone is completely against welding, and/or it's related trades, they would find another forum to discuss things of their interest with other people that share the same interest. I know, I don't seem to live in reality where common sense prevails.
Parent - - By - Date 01-11-2006 23:38
I suggest EVERYONE totally ignore ratboy69. It's evident that his mentality is quite low and he is just asking for attention. As long as someone will respond to his trivial, unwarranted comments, he will continue to try to associate with the experts in this forum. Ignore him and maybe he will go away, or at least not get the attention he so much wants. When I read his comments, I just laugh and consider the source. Replying to him just feeds his ego.
Parent - - By metallord (*) Date 01-16-2006 23:37
point taken,see ya ratboy

Parent - By chabat (*) Date 01-29-2006 23:18
I gotta be suspect of someone calling themselves 'ratboy' and also referring to themselves in third person. I think ratboy is prolly just a stirrer-upper.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Best Jobs for 2006

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