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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Mig welding cast iron
- - By Weldfab Date 01-12-2006 19:08
Hello all. I'm new to the forum. I have been a welder/fabricator for 15 years now. I have a potential job coming thru my shop that will require me to make a cosmetic weld on some cast iron fittings. I have done a few samples with an ENI55 welding electrode. The results were acceptable but the time to perform the job was a bit too long. I understand that there is an equivalent of the afore mentioned rod available as a mig welding wire. Is this true? If so what kind of shielding gas would I need to use? Thanks to all for their time in responding and willingness to help.

Parent - - By Sean (**) Date 01-12-2006 19:26
Can you tell us what size the fittings are, the type of cast iron and the application of the fittings (are you working to a particular code or spec)?
Parent - By Weldfab Date 01-17-2006 13:54
The material is A 126 cast iron (or so I'm told) I do not know the application. Most likely for a pumps and of a more than 8 to 10 inch size. Thanks everybody for the help thus far. I'd love to get a few more options to help gauge range of costs.

Parent - By PhilThomas (**) Date 01-13-2006 04:13
Stoody offers Castweld Ni 55-O/G which is available in 045 and 1/16". It can be run without shielding or with CO2.

Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 01-16-2006 20:34
INCO Alloys makes a NI-ROD FC55 cored wire. 50% Nickle.
Kinda big diameter though..( 50 pound spools available in 0.078" and 0.093" dia.)
They also make a smaller diameter wire, at 93% Nickle (GMAW) .035" dia. and bigger. AWS 5.14, ERNi-1
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Mig welding cast iron

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