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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / F Numbers for electrodes
- - By pbush Date 01-13-2006 14:32
AWS D1.1 2004 table 4.12 lists group designations for SMAW electrodes
(F1-F4) Do F numbers exist for FCAW or are they for SMAW only
The company I work for has some old welder performance qualification reports that list F6 for E70T-1 and F9 for E71T-1 but I can not find any thing to back that up in D1.1 or A5.20
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-13-2006 16:10
F numbers are an ASME designation. See A5.20 2005 A2.5.2 (4)

Here is a nice link that may not be authoritative but does have good data.

Just use the drop down list to find A5.20

All the FCAW wires I have seen have an F number of 6, Maybe somebody else can offer explainations as to how these numbers are determined.
Parent - - By QCCWI (***) Date 01-13-2006 18:06
The higher the f number they say the higher the degree of difficulty to use the electrode.

I guess they got a bunch of welders together then figured the average of how many times the welder said the F word as he/she was welding with the electrode. So if you have to weld with an F40 filler metal, tell the virgin ears to get far away. Just kidding about this part.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-13-2006 19:31
LMFAO, literally!!!! Thanks for the good laugh on this Friday the 13th!!!
Parent - By PhilThomas (**) Date 01-13-2006 20:33
I would urge caution with the use of this web site. Much of the trade name information in it is incorrect or missing. It may provide value with respect to finding the F-number, but I wouldn't use it for trying to choose a product.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-13-2006 20:57
F number per AWS D1.1 apply to SMAW electrodes only. You will find reference to F numbers for aluminum filler metals in AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code / Aluminum and AWS B2.1. The F numbers in B2.1 (recent editions) are in agreement with ASME for all the typical welding filler metals. The 1984 edition of AWS B2.1 had F numbers that differed slightly from those listed in ASME Section IX in that the F numbers for steels also differed by welding process. This is no longer the case.

Back to AWS D1.1. The F numbers listed are for SMAW only. You do not have to list the F numbers of filler metals for the GMAW, GTAW, and FCAW processes. They don't apply to AWS D1.1

I do not believe the F numbers you cited for E70T-1 and E71T-1 were found in early AWS B2.1 nor ASME Section IX. I would consider them as typos and blame it on the poor secretary that couldn't read the hen scratches of the inspector.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-14-2006 11:23
I can't find my old Weld Inspection Technologies book, but I thought the F-numbers were listed and explained in there somewhere.
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / F Numbers for electrodes

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