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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / GMAW Spray arc
- - By weber (*) Date 01-20-2006 03:53
Has anybody welded an “ER70S-6” solid wire by spray arc metal transfer in 3G position?
We have a project with 35mm & 48mm thick materials with full penetration butt joint and 100% UT on them.
I suppose maybe it be possible to weld them by spray arc because of heavy heat sink of these massive base metals.
Parent - - By PhilThomas (**) Date 01-20-2006 04:04
To weld 70S-6 in the vertical position, you will have to use short arc or pulsed spray. Pure spray transfer can only be done on the 1G and 2G positions.
Parent - - By weber (*) Date 01-20-2006 05:52
Thanks Thomas.
I knew it before, however I thought maybe there was a possibility because of heavy massive material. If anybody have done it before please let me know.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-20-2006 12:16

Phil said it perfectly.

Not many alternatives really.

You can reposition your work to get spray transfer welds in flat or horizontal.

Or you may switch processes. FCAW has depositions rates that are high and may be welded in the vertical position.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-20-2006 14:09
I was gonna suggest what Lawrence did...switch to a FCAW E71T-XX wire to run your verts.
John Wright
Parent - - By weber (*) Date 01-20-2006 22:59
Thanks for your replies. My question is following to my previous one with “ESAB Co. FCAW wires” topic. We are welding shells of some vessels with 48mm thickness in vertical position. After vertical welding shells will be doubled to be welded in their circumferential joint in flat position. There is no way to make vertical joints to flat. We found some side wall lack of fusion in our vertical welds. We decided to do following for next welds:
1. Grinding bevels surfaces to clean and shiny base metal thoroughly, to be sure all scales of flame cutting are removed.
2. Using high inductance and welding parameter to increase heat input as much as possible.
3. Decreasing contact tube to work piece distance as much as possible.
However, our first party of base metal is finished and we are waiting for next party to do three above mentioned items to see the result.
In ESAB technical data sheet is mentioned that their wire nos. “OK Tubrod 15.15” and “FILARC PZ 6113” are high productive wires in vertical position and spray transfer mode. Have you used them before? Is it possible to use them with string bead without weaving? I’ve seen in an ESAB Co. film that one rutile flux cored wire was welding in spray mode in vertical position without weaving; but unfortunately its name didn’t mention during the film.

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-22-2006 19:01
Hi Weber!

Sounds like a plan!

YES, Yes and yes...

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - By welder5354 (**) Date 01-22-2006 23:59
I once did a procedure on Pulsed GMAW using ER70S-6 ( 6" sch.160; not much luck with the procedure). I first had the welds X-rayed, looked good on the film (all passed). Then we sent it for tensiles and bends. All the bends failed: reason-lack of sidewall fusion. I observed while welding with GMAW on heavywall that i was not gettting good sidewall fusion between weld metal and base metal. It is a slow process compared the FCAW. My recommendation is to use FCAW or GMAW (Metal Cored). Metal cored in vertical is preferably done on heavywall material.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / GMAW Spray arc

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