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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / competitive pay scale for welders???
- - By BULGIE Date 02-03-2006 04:18
Hi Everybody?? I recently became ASME IX certified for GTAW & GMAW Stainless steel welding, and I was wondering if any of you guys could help me and my employer out to determine what would be a competitive rate of pay for someone with this type of certification??? I would greatly appreciate any and all information that anyone is willing to give me. Thank you for yor time!
Parent - - By jfwi (*) Date 02-03-2006 21:29

Pay rate can be influenced on geographic location. Depending on where you live the pay rate could vary by several dollars for the same job. Northern California pay rate should be in the low end range $14 to possibly $20+ depending on what you are welding on. A stainless mess cages for water intakes I think $14 – $16, pressure piping should increase the pay rate. It just depends on what the costumer feels it is worth.

Now I have not welded for a living for several years so I could be giving you information not entirely correct but I am sure that it is in the ball park. I am sure there are more people on the forum with more numbers.
Parent - By BULGIE Date 02-04-2006 03:13
Thank you jfwi you have been very helpful.
Parent - - By Ak style Date 02-05-2006 00:12
Second on the location, some of our guys top out around 30-38. Keep in mind this is on the north slope.

Shop rate for in town work is 20-30, in Alaska though. I cant comment on what you would make in other states because I have no first hand experience.
Parent - - By wagnerb Date 02-07-2006 23:40
I've heard that the guys in the oilfields up here in Alberta make up to $105 an hour. They run their own equipment, and those are Canadian Dollars (about $80US), but that's more than I make as a lawyer here in Calgary. Why do I drive a desk all day long?

Parent - By Dr. D (*) Date 03-17-2006 13:00
Just a comparison,
most independant welders here (Calif.) make 55-70 hr., shops 70 to 85 hr.
A new guy just certified starting at a shop approx. $14 hr
Lawyers $300 hr.
Parent - By rm0412 Date 02-08-2006 03:57
In Southeast Texas Combination welders (GTAW/SMAW) are making between $21 - $28 / hr. Also some jobs are paying per diem or safety incentive.
Parent - - By tito (**) Date 02-08-2006 14:18
Confirming everyone else's posts, it depend on geographical area. Also consider if it's full time (employed directly with company) or contract, such as a rig welder (owns own truck and equipment) would be. I am in south Texas and it seems to be around $8-$10/hr for a "newbie" on up to the low to mid $20's for experienced Welders (ones that are very skilled with various welding processes and metals, as well as cutting, layout, fit-up,...etc.) These rates would be for "shop" welders. For rig welders, it is slightly higher starting pay. I'd say around $25-$35/hr for combo SMAW/GTAW welders.

Then you also need to consider the differences between companies. A little mom and pop shop may not pay as much as a large company. Also consider benefits offered. If there are no benefits, you should expect a higher hourly rate than with a company that has a good benefits package.

Hope this helps. And remember, when asking for a starting salary, go high. Not too high to scare the employer off though. It's a negotiation thing. They start off low (probably lower than you want), you start off high. Hopefully you can meet in the middle and it will be a little higher than what you would have originally settled for.
Parent - - By BULGIE Date 02-08-2006 19:51
Thank you all for your time and feed back it has been very helpful.
Parent - - By MBlaha (***) Date 02-09-2006 02:00
Aprrentices starting in the craft I have worked in (Boilermakers) for 28 years, and 5 years leave to go teaching, get 70% of journeyman scale which is $28.94 per hour. (Sorry, you do the math.) They progress every 3 months at 1.25% for the first year, then 2.5% after 2 years, until they reach full scale after 4 years. During this period, they learn and go to school 3 weeks per year. Schooling is not paid any wage, just so much per day for living expenses as most have to travel to our hall for this schooling. The contractors lay them off for the week while they are in school so they can draw unemployment, (please don't let this out to the unemployment office). We are working under in the second year of a 3 year contract and we will receive $1.00 per hour on July 1, and $1.50 July 1 next year.It makes no difference if they can weld or not as we teach them on the job and in the school they attend. If they are able to weld, they will work more than the ones that cannot, but that changes as they attain welding certifications and eventually they are all on an equal playing field (hopefully) when they graduate the program.

Hope this helps.

Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 02-09-2006 05:03
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 02-14-2006 03:42
Can any of you gentlemen tell me why an automechanic is worth $45/hr and up, and a competent welder can't seem to get close to that? Seems that damn mechanic sure can't tell you anything about the structure of anything let alone metal. Hmmmmm... make me understand......
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-14-2006 05:26

Auto mechanics *MUST* be constantly upgrading their knowledge as autos change from year to year. The ones that make the big dollars have numerous certifications that include electronics, hard and software diagnostics, hydraulics, pnumatics and I-CAR welding qualifications in GMAW welding of both carbon steel and aluminum. Welders must keep up with technical advances too, but the scale of data is not at all comparable.

Every auto manufacturer has a different design and repair philosophy. There is simply way more data they must be expert on than your average journeyman welder. Very few welders are required to do the daily technical research and have the troubleshooting skills that are a minumum for top flight auto mechanics.

Having said that, there are plenty of welders that make a strong hourly wage.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-20-2006 01:45
I am a self employed welder with my own rig and I am currently making 45.00 an hour without certifcation or insurance in the oild field industry we weld all kinds of metal as it has been said it's all in the geographical area aND I AM IN SOUTH TEXAS
Parent - - By - Date 05-07-2006 18:36
If you wanna make money,,,get your own rig cause thats where the money is,,,though sad to say youll be welding in a shop with someone elses aquipment unless your using fluxcore wire or stainless rod. Shops anywhere ive seen dont pay squat to a rig welder,,,unless your the foreman or have been with the company for awhile. Also, when you go out to find a job, if the man in charge know what a welders worth these days,,,youll get paid for what your worth. In other words,,,stay away from the mom and pop shops, and consider working for an oilfield company that works off of production,,,oilfield is all about production. They tend to pay way better when you put out some work. Just something to consider.
Parent - By psyco33 (**) Date 03-30-2008 20:18
amen brother. got my rig last august. went from JV jobs 28 an hour  to 55 an hour plus PD 65   a rig is good  but, it comes with lots of bothers.  fuel for truck and welder.
wear and tear on your truck and welder
travel,   lots  of travel.
live in Tulsa, just got back from Dallas  a few days ago  10 days ago  Beaumont TX for 4 days work.
three weeks work El Dorado KS, Borger, TX 3 weeks.
10 days here in Tulsa
remember  insurance for your truck   I carry 1,000,000 with State Farm.
good tires  and hotels  all will cost you.
but, at tax time. I do get a pretty check back. remember to file married and 9 and deductions   keep all receipts.
you get 45 a day IRS allows for food.
truck  welder etc...
yes, a rig welder is a good life but, like all things you have to be prepared to travel and worry
John K
Parent - - By jordon Date 06-07-2006 23:35
I am a beginning (1st year apprentice) welder in alberta, canada. my current pay rate is $17/hr (about $15.50 US). at our shop, second year apprentices make about $21-22.50/hr ($19-20.50 US), third years make about $25-26.50/hr ($22.50-24 US), and journeyman welders make $29-35/hr ($26-31.50 US).  These are all Dayshift wages, and nightshift workers make $3.00/hour more. These are about average wages for welders in Calgary, although I know basic welders in northern alberta are making about 2-3 times this amount, and welders with their own rig in northern alberta are making at LEAST $1000.00 per day ($900 US).
Parent - - By welder6g (**) Date 06-13-2006 18:59
Parent - - By Shish7 Date 10-23-2006 19:21 Edited 10-23-2006 19:28
Hey, Iam a welder up north in alberta, 2 months out of school with my B ticket, and i have my pressure tickets and so on.  I just signed a contract for 105$ n hour, plus a 12000$ signing bonus.  Living costs, gas, food, everything payed for.  If you are a serious welder, it is guarenteed to make a XXXX load of money at the rigs up here, Iam 21 and making 200+ a year! alberta is the place to be

Moderator: Language, please.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-12-2006 04:28
When are you getting paid, and by what companies? For some reason I have a real hard time believing that! Seriously!!
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-12-2006 04:41
        I'm not a Kanook, but maybe would be for over a bill an hour and a 12k sign on! Everything supplied? All I gotta do is deal with the wind? Allright, I'm being a bit scarcastic now. . .You're 21 just out of school??

Well, let's see .  .   . .
       Nah, I'll stick with my 200k American, be my own boss, and go home to my nice warm wife every night. . . . . . . . . .. .and enjoy Hooters or Texas Roadhouse every now and again! Oh, and maybe diesel at under 8 bucks a liter! HAAAAW - HAAAAAW !!!!

Have you made 200,000 yet? Exactly!
Parent - By jordon Date 02-28-2008 02:08
Well, here i am over a year and a half later, and am now making $27/hr ($27.50/hr u.s.) as a 3rd year apprentice in Alberta, Canada.  The Journeyman I used to work under got a rig and went to work for Pro-Pack. The last we spoke, he was making $75/hr working inside Calgary, and going home to bed with his wife every night. He was also working 12 hour shifts ($900/day canadian, or $920/day u.s.).  My cousin has been running a welding rig in northern Alberta for just over a year now, and he made nearly $300,000 last year. Although the industry is slowing a little, he still expects to make over $250,000 this year. I have one more year to go to become a Journeyman, and as soon as I am, I too will get a B-Pressure ticket and 'rig-up' for the big bucks.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-23-2006 19:26
In our last AWS Section meeting we had a speaker who represented one of the local unions here and he said that there is a shortage of pipe welders here in Va. If he had 200 more welders he could have put them to work today in Richmond. He read off several pages of places that need welders and the wages ranged from $35/hr to $48/hr for journeyman welders.
Parent - - By MBlaha (***) Date 11-14-2006 04:48
John, everywhere    everywhere. We are running about 100 boilermakers shy on this project right now (supposed to be 250 right now) so if you have around 25 extra ones sitting around, please please please send them up to wis   LOL

Parent - By weldorguy (*) Date 12-19-2006 01:41
just added you to my msn

Happy Holidays

Parent - By Odie (*) Date 05-13-2007 02:25
LOL yea lol my boss begs me not to leave at $33.50 ..But i am anyway Combo/Tube welders came name there price i have in Texas.
Parent - By Aldridge6670 (*) Date 12-28-2006 13:40
Jon   hello  living in GA right now getting ready to move back to my home state WV  the tri state area Huntington   if you know of any welding pos. let me know   thanks   Chris
Parent - - By CBradshaw Date 01-07-2007 05:38
Jwright. Im interested in this information. Im currently in Wyoming at Wyotech. Im taking Diesel Technology and Chassis Fabrication. Would this program have any usefulness in the need in Richmond (my home town)?

Thanks in advanced
Parent - - By Cowboywelder Date 01-19-2007 18:44
Hi, my name is Josh I just moved from Michigan out to Wyoming and i'm looking for rig work, if anyone might know of where I could possibly find a job in this could you let me know thanks.
Parent - By Odie (*) Date 05-13-2007 02:44
Um in Texas city,Freeport,Houston.Ive had some companies pay me to park it. just show up..LOL REALLY . Rig Welder Heaven.Im tripping over it everywhere.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-19-2007 20:24
This was the unions looking for pipe welders to put to work in the construction of new powerhouses.
Parent - By UnionIronhead Date 09-15-2007 03:03
Lots of powerhouse work here. But you have to be union to get on!
Parent - By Odie (*) Date 05-13-2007 02:36 Edited 05-13-2007 02:39
Hey i might Travel again if it gets much higher.I keep saying im gonna hang up my 45 and ive been Combo pipe/tube/rig truck Pipeline dude ..all my life..I like to Instruct and talk about when i did this and that..But if this gets over $50 an hour ill slide that pipeliner own watch this dawg hunt (: What Local Is that I know 453 in Knoxville
Parent - By Odie (*) Date 05-13-2007 02:51
Yea Va Pipe Money is Getting Close..Friend of mine lives up there..$48 an 100 a day im interested.
Parent - - By wrangler97 (*) Date 02-21-2007 11:02
hey im at 16 im in south carolina i work for a fabrication shop  i do most of the highly crit work that comes in, pipe, struct, alum, stain.... so i mean the pay is alright for a norm 40hrs a week.... hope to help
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-20-2007 07:29
Geography-Middle south USA (ark, tex, ok, miss)

Avg. pay for pipe welders who can also fit...15-21 an hour
Ironworkers with welding skills  13-15 an hour
Shop work pressure vessel/tanks/ production/job shop stuff   8-12 an hour
Shop work non ferrous or exotic materials and or fab skills   14-18 an hour
Boat manufacturers (aluminum tig and mig)  usually pay piece rates  500-700 a week for 40 hours avg if you are real FAST
Aerospace welding  19-25 an hour

This is just based on my experience and ads I see in the paper and whatnot.   Definitely in Job shops the more skills you have the more pay you can get (brakes, fitting, layout, machining skills, multi process welding ability). By the way the last catagory is pretty cushy job usually...but they are few and tough to get.  I  have gotten kinda busted up in my old age so no more road work for me...I'll just sit in my chair and weld my little airplane parts.

I hope that helps a bit....
Parent - - By UnionIronhead Date 09-15-2007 02:56 Edited 09-15-2007 03:06
My advice is to Join a Union for the best wages.  For years I have traveled around the country certified with carbon, stainless, aluminum, and titanium certifications and the most I ever recieved per hour is 23.50 and like I said I had to travel all the time.  I am in my local union now and I make 26.60 per hour and I am home every night with my family. not to mention to benefits and retirement I am accumilating. That ain't bad for sitting right at the house. Of course each union is different, I just know ours is really strong.
Parent - - By Gregory Walker (*) Date 09-18-2007 00:26
local 441.  where are u located.  i am in wichita ks. 25.10 not what i am worth
Parent - By JA (**) Date 09-23-2007 03:32
local 433 ironworkers los angeles........$34.09 per package $51.00 ..............
Parent - - By mooseye (**) Date 10-01-2007 19:12
could you layout for a (new to forum) non-union journeyman how to go about getting in the union. Is there an age limit to join? I have over 35 years various welding and fabricating experience in pipe, tank and structure.
Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 10-05-2007 01:29
I would like to just get in the door and go from there.
Parent - - By jesusno2 (*) Date 03-07-2008 04:09
Damn I need to move i've never made over 10 bucks an hour although i have no certifications CAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD THEM!! hell I'm getting screwed cause i'm the only guy in the shop where i can work that can tig weld but I rarley get to use it cause the boss man says it's to slow go figure?
Parent - By thewelder (***) Date 03-11-2008 02:42
HI jesusno2, never has to said you can afford them because is an investment, here on los angeles,ca. area each cert. cost around $150.00. If you get your cert. you going to made more than that in the firts paycheck, I'm sured of that.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / competitive pay scale for welders???

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