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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / 6G CERTIFICATION
- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-13-2006 14:24
Where can a man go to get 6g certifitied i am employed by an oil filed out fit and they are now requiring us to be 6g certified if they pay for it they keep the papers if i gotta take the test i want5 the papers i herd the going rate is around 250.00
Parent - By n5uzt (**) Date 02-18-2006 14:06
email me maybe i can help
i know some folks in tx.
that may help or perhaps
i can do testing for you
i am in centeral ar. near little rock
Parent - By hitechliii Date 03-14-2006 16:25
We have a facility in Longview. Call us at 903-753-1412, ask for Glen Tarver.
Parent - By M Baker (**) Date 03-15-2006 15:18
Contact Hobart Institute of Welding Technology - Troy, OH - 1-800-332-9448, ext. 5107 for certification.
Parent - - By tito (**) Date 03-15-2006 17:18
I'm not sure why you would want to pay for the test and keep the papers. I would let the company pay for them because you will be welding for them, and certified by them. If 6 months later, you go to work for another company, and they require any type of qualification test, that is their responsibility the test and qualify you. The original 6G test that you took (and possibly paid for) is nothing more than a test for that employer that you work for at that time. From what I've seen you cant just walk into a job and say "I'm 6G certifed and heres my certs" and expect to be hired on without actually taking another test administered by the new company. All it would be good for is to show that you have taken and passed a 6G test before.
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 03-16-2006 02:19
A better question is will the company you want to work for accept an outside independent test?? I know the company I am working for now would not. Why go pay for something that actually may be worthless as the papers the company that is willing to test you would give you after you passed the test. Those papers are of no value to anyone but the people you test for and those that say they want them for a resume, well, chances are 100-1 that you will have to test for the next contractor anyway.

Just my .03 cents worth

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-15-2006 20:50
That sounds really strange.

I test all my guys in 6G and am more than happy to give them a copy of every test they pass.

There's no way in hell I would pay for my own certs; let the company pay for them because copies aren't going to be worth the paper they are printed on when you go on down to the next job, unless you have very kind engineers! However the cold cruel world dictates that almost every company will require a new test once you leave the one you're with.
Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 03-26-2006 00:39
Most likely, if the company does your testing, then they will probably want to indicate on the test papers (non-transferable). If you are planning on staying in the welding field the rest of your life, then you had better get use to being tested. Just ask any pipe welder, how many test he has done in his liftime?
Parent - - By welder6g (**) Date 04-08-2006 13:02
Parent - By - Date 05-07-2006 18:26
Everything they say is true,,,a lot of companies require different rods positions and procedures,,,your always gonna have to test for a new company, no matter what certs you have,,,papers are just papers,,,the proof is in the pudding. And if a company wants you to work for them, they always pay for it,,,its obserd for you to pay for your own test. Ive also worked for companies,,,especially pipeline companies,,,that pay for the test,,,and if you pass the test,,,they pay your hourly wage for the time it took you to complete the test. YOu might ask about that.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / 6G CERTIFICATION

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