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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASNT VT II UT II vs CWI and company cert
- - By Quality0537 (*) Date 03-03-2006 14:19
Curious about opinions regarding ASNT certs. Myself and others I work with are CWI's and company trained and certifed level II's in VT, MT, and some in level II in UT. We are considering obtaining certification with ASNT - through their programs. The question is - what benefits can we expect to realize by doing such?
Parent - By tito (**) Date 03-03-2006 16:03
Are you planning on doing this training on your own time, with your own money? If so, I personally would not waste the effort. Someone explained to me one time that most companies don't care if you are ASNT certified (not saying it wont look good on resume), their company policies and procedures probably require them to certify you with thier certs, thier way. Let's say you plan on switching companies. The one you are currently at has certified you level II in whatever. Your next company will acknowledge this, but will certify you to thier procedures. The same would go if you where ASNT certified. The company would still certify you to thier procedures.

There may be some benifits to it, but to me the only ASNT level cert that matters is level III.
Parent - By dlmann (**) Date 03-03-2006 18:35
Here are some things I consider benefits.

In my company, the journeyman quality inspectors having ACCP level II certification are on a faster track to the senior quality inspector positions than those certified only through recommended practice SNT-TC-1A. Has to do with self-improvement and technical inquisitiveness etc. kind of things.

Our practice is written I/A/W SNT-TC-1A and the certification process requires a general, specific, and practical examination. Having a valid ACCP endorsement fulfills those requirements.

If you are a traveling inspector working for several inspection companies throughout the year, having an ACCP endorsement may work to your advantage when showing up for shutdowns, turnarounds and such. Instead of testing the night before with the company level III in the hotel conference room, you can be spending your per diem at the refreshment stand of your choice.

Regards, Donnie Mann
Parent - - By BamaDave (**) Date 03-04-2006 22:27
It all boils down to your personal preference! When it comes to recertifying with a new company it will be dependant on the way in which there company specific written practice is detailed as there’s a good possibility they won’t accept the ACCP endorsements and your back to taking there companies tests regardless. On the flip side it will add credibility regardless, but so will a well document resume with copies of you previous certifications. Further, to my knowledge the ACCP level II certification will not be accepted when performing any Mil-Std NDE.

Like Tito mentioned earlier, if its coming out of your pocket then I would thing about it long and hard before spending your hard earned, but if the company you work for is going to cover the expense then I would jump all over it!

I have the ACCP Level II VT certification myself but only because it can be obtained without testing if you have a current CWI certification and to honest I have never used it or had the need.

Good luck with your decision!

Parent - By vonash (**) Date 03-06-2006 22:06
If you have the experience, and can pass the examinations, go for ASNT Level III certifications. Otherwise, keep your company certifications; both are accepted in the industry.
Benefits should be the same as any promotion - I consider my employees as promoted when they obtain greater levels of expertise and get certified in a higher level per discipline; I compensate accordingly.
A CWI with level II certification for UT, MT, and RT commands respect, whether the ASNT is beside their name or not.
Best regards,
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASNT VT II UT II vs CWI and company cert

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