Hey everyone Im from the land down under sydney australia i have notice people want to be a welder but y only a welder im a apprentice Fabricator/welder but the old name for it is boilermaker now the question is dont you guys have apprenticeships over there were u can learn to be a fabricator and welder not just a welder over here we do a 3 year 1 day a week study and work experience and 1 year full work experience then you become a tradesmen were u can work any were in the world and get good money i know that aussie cash is diffrent from american but down here i get $470.00 dollors a week and thats for 2nd year when we finish our trade we get about $1200.00 dollors a week so y dont people over in america do an apprenticeship.
Yes, we have boilermaker, electrican, iron worker, pipefitter, carpenter, millwright, mason, sheet metal, and operator apprentiship programs and i am sure I am missing some here in the united states. Some are 4 years, some 5.
professor crisi , yes blacksmiths still do exist , i'm not sure which craft they trained in . i think it was boiler makers? i met one one time about 1980 while firing a boiler on a urea plant expansion . there were about 15 different crafts working at the same time , so i could be mistaken . some trades may not have those classifications any more , due to lack of needs in industry . but i'm sure others out there might know and reply also . i also know that they as my self enjoy all of your comments and advice you give on this forum . please keep up the good work . willie
mike , got your reply looked at the web site . i'm happy to see that this trade has such good training . i hope that many young workers will enter it . there is much opportunity for them if they do . the pay is good and the benefits are very important years later when they retire . keep up the good post that you do on this forum . willie
What about the most glorious of them all ? The Ancient and Honorable Order of Coal Passers and Firemen on Coal Burning Merchantmen of the Seven Seas ! I'd be the happiest guy on earth should I qualify for such a distinguished honor, but unfortunately I don't. Giovanni S. Crisi