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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / New website with strictly welding inform
- - By noplacetosail Date 03-14-2006 14:58

Feel free to use it freely. More welding information will be posted daily, hopefully will be a great learning site and resource for educators !

good luck !
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-14-2006 15:32

Interesting site. Lots of time invested

A quick Google check discovered the same data you .. um.. borrowed? for your website is available at the links below along with the illustrations referenced the *original* and as far as I can detect, uncredited authors and providers of the text.

Compiling data is a noble service. Crediting the providers of that data is also important in my opinion.
Parent - - By - Date 03-15-2006 03:52
Very good point, Larry.
Parent - - By noplacetosail Date 03-15-2006 16:19
Please read your email and please before slandering anyone or site on a public forum find out more information DIRECTLY from the source. Any information not in public domain will always be quoted and sourced ! It's the law !
Much welding information is in the public domain and therefore may be found on the web OVER AND OVER. We have had information which is public domain taken from our site and posted on some of the sites you found over and over, that's fine with us, as long as its public domain.
As a matter of fact you will find that much of the free domain information is sold to people who do not realize its free by webpublishers who are out to make a quick buck, some of the sites you listed are doing just that.
If you are interested in duplicated information on the web feel free to email us and we will show you much more indepth ways to find it than a GOOGLE search, we have people who use them to search for duplicated information daily.
Our #1 goal is to provide free information to people and we work hard to do so.


Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-15-2006 18:56
I replied to the demands you made to my personal account last night.

To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own.
To appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas from (another).

Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

Academic ethics and honesty require citation whether or not the data is public domain.

Several hours after I made my first post on this thread, weldguru began the task of citation of there sources (they gave credit on the home page for the Army Manual). I have saved copies of the WebPages before and after that change was made :)

Heck, I use the Military manuals myself, I also quote Ed Craig extensively, citing sources when doing so.

As I said in the beginning. Compiling data is a noble task. Citation of sources has been demanded from academics whenever they present information. It doesn't really matter if the information is public domain or not. If you did not do the work you need to cite the source to uphold your own academic integrity.

When a student writes a report they must cite source. They recieve an F and are often expelled at the college level for quoting as there own, data, ideas or statements that were gathered or written by somebody other than themselves.

I'll say it one more way. Its my opinion that publishers ought to give credit where credit is due..

You may not want to do the right thing, do as you wish. But you really should not act surprised when sombody expresses criticisim.

When you fully cite your sources, I'll be happy to recommend your very easy to navigate and otherwise excellent website to my students and my collegues.

A final thought... The Army Training manuals are pretty far out of date on some topics. But for free data the Army manuals are, as I have noted on this forum many times, excellent.

Parent - - By vonash (**) Date 03-27-2006 01:15
All I got was a sales pitch from your website; but the forum knows my philosophy on capitalism.
More power to you weldguru and your enterprise.
I must empathize with Larry, you see, your guru items are readily available on this forum.

Parent - By noplacetosail Date 05-30-2006 03:06
Thanks, you are 100% correct ! Feel free to email any further advice. We do listen !

Learning by doing !
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-25-2006 02:02
Is this the same "Academic Community" where students do the work and the professors get the credit?  Is this the same Academic Community that requires the students and faculty to have respect for every fringe group, except rednecks, patriots and middle of the roaders?  It sounds like "Journalistic Integrity" to me! 

Joe Kane
Parent - By Teddy Date 09-04-2006 11:26
very good.It's a noble work,thanks.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 09-06-2006 02:20
I looked through some of your pages. Good information but as others said, similar to what is available BUT i like the way it is laid out.

Much of the information on my site is from things I have learned but little is duplicated from "public domain" sources however it is NOT information I alone know. So really you are just providing useful information as a means to advertise some other links. I do a similar thing for some software I sell .

If it weren't for the large number of links you have inserted among your text, I would highly recommend your site.

I did notice an error on this page . The graphics referenced by the text are for CAC however the actual graphics show information for SMAW. Let us know when you get those corrected as I would like to see the actual graphics. Your website indicates the content is updated daily so that one should be taken care of quickly.

Also, your button for codes that goes to has ABSOLUTELY no information about codes. Even a general discussion of codes and their uses would be useful. Links to BUY codes are not "GURU" type information in my opinon.

The page for welding symbols at references many illustrations however NONE of them are visible .

Also, the troubleshooting page at references various figures. There are none.

So let me know when those are taken care of during the daily updates. I would be interested in reviewing them. If you would cut back on some of those ads, I could place a link on  my site.

Keep us posted on the updates. Those were the only pages I looked at. I wil post more if I find any.

Have a good day

Gerald Austin
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