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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / combo wps using seperate pqr's
- - By okieplott (*) Date 03-20-2006 02:21
i have a pqr for gmaw and one for fcaw can i make a wps with gmaw root and fcaw fill and cap using the 2 seperatly qualified pqrs as supporting
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-20-2006 19:12
Since you haven't said what code your working to, there is no way to know.

Parent - By EU Engee Date 03-20-2006 19:44
With sure not. In Europe acc. to e.g. old EN 288.3 & new EN ISO 15614 if WPAR i.e. approwed WPQR refer to double or even triple sequence of test piece(s), -allowable is to use the first one methode separatelly like single methode or double methodes but in this same original order. From 141GTAW/111MMAW for tubes is allowable to use single 111 for double side plates welding with root pass gouging/outgrinding. The standards states many limitations but as the rules all are very logical.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / combo wps using seperate pqr's

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