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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NYC Welder Certification
- - By NEQA (**) Date 04-07-2006 17:08
Does anyone know how an individual gets NYC Welder Certification? It seems the City issues Welder Cert. ID Cards with the individual's picture on it. To me it means nothing - unless it can be verified these welders are certified to IX or D1.1. I have been told that the criteria is in the NYC Building Code - but darn if I can find it.

Was wondering if anyone here has experience welding in NYC and, if so, how were you qualified? Were you required to be NYC Certified?
Parent - - By brande (***) Date 04-22-2006 03:27
I work in Pennsylvania and do work for New York ( city and state) on a regular basis.

In my experience...

New York City quals are goverened by the NYSSCM (New York State Steel Construction Manual)

I test, (must be witnessed by NY representative) and then get my radiographs graded and signed off by a third party. If all is ok, I forward radiographs to Albany for final acceptance.

New York State (Albany) will review and approve (hopefully) your radiographs.

If you let them know, they will forward results to NYC.

There can be more than that under certain applications.

Do get a copy of the NYSSCM manual. That way you will know for sure what the exact requirements are. The latest edition is from 1984 or thereabouts. Really no new updates. Relatively inexpensive code.

Keep us posted...

Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 04-24-2006 16:48
If Albany accepts your radiographs, does the City issue you a "Welders Identification Certificate" with your picture on it? If so, does the Certificate (an ID card, really) carry an expiration date?

Also where do you test? And who is the third party?

Parent - By brande (***) Date 04-29-2006 04:43
Go to the NYSDOT website.

Click on site map.

Look for field weld certifications or similar.

They will give you the closest test center and a contact for any questions.

Give it a try....and keep us posted.

Good Luck

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NYC Welder Certification

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