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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Need Help, I'm New.
- - By arcquisumbing Date 04-19-2006 06:57
I have no background in this field.

Can anybody please help me, I'm trying to finalize our WPS. We have 3 PQR's which are for 1. 30mm dia x 2mm thk pipe, 2. 165mm dia x 7mm thk pipe and 3. 20mm thk plate with backing as in AWS D1.1 Figure 4.25 (B).

Our products are actually space frames which welding is mainly for pipes with components welded on both ends.

Some said, 20mm plate enough for qualification as it covers both our minimum and maximum thickness.

However, someone also told me that PQR for pipe covers both for flat and rotated but, flat can only cover plates and not pipes.

If anyone could only elaborate and if possible site some sections. I have AWS D1.1:2006 but with the lack of experience on this field, reading does not help me much.

Thank you very much.
Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 04-19-2006 11:21
Hello Arcquisumbung, under the ASME Code Section IX, it doesn't really matter which position the PQR is welded in because you are only qualifying the material and not the position. Yes, it can be done on plate or pipe using the appropriate material. I do not know much about the AWS D1.1 code.
Parent - - By arcquisumbing Date 04-19-2006 12:02
thank you for the reply. however, if anybody else can mention anything related to AWS, please do.

thank you again.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 04-19-2006 15:00
For some reason, I have not received my 2006 D1.1 yet. However, in the 2004 edition on page 130, you will find Table 4.1 that should answer your question (likely the table is on or near the same page of the 2006 D1.1.). It all depends on what position your PQRs were welded in.

Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 04-19-2006 18:25
Are the tubular pipe to pipe joints all with backing as in fig 4.25(b)? And what is the 20mm plate joint detail? What is the welding process?
Parent - By arcquisumbing Date 04-22-2006 05:11
i'm sorry, i was not able to reply sooner. i had problem with the log-in.

actually, pipes (a500 gr.b) are welded to another material (a668 gr.b). the second material is machined to fit around 10mm inside the pipe leaving around 3mm gap for the weld (serves as backing). as required, we were told to qualify 20mm plate as in fig. 4.25 (b).

welding process - GMAW (semi-automatic). i'm not sure if which applies, Flat (1G) or Flat (1G) Rotated. Pipes were rotated while welding gun is stationary. however, for the plate, it was the other way around.

again, please help.

thank you very much.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Need Help, I'm New.

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