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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPS Base Metals
- - By Lorne (*) Date 04-21-2006 13:07
When welding in acordance with an AWS approved WPS such as "ANSI/AWS B2.1-1-016-94 Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1/ P-1/S-1, Group 1 or 2) 1/8 through 1 1/2 inch thick, E7018, as welded or PWHT condition" the metals approved for this WPS come only from AWS B2.1 or ASME, Sect. IX correct. The groups identified in the above mentioned WPS are not those base metals identified in AWS D1.1 Table 3.1, groups 1 or 2. Is that correct?
Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 04-21-2006 13:20
Yes, you are correct that there are base metals listed in AWS B2.1 that your procedure is qualified to use, that are not listed in AWS D1.1 table 3.1.

There are also base metals listed in AWS B2.1 as Material 1, Group number 1 (ASTM A131 for example) that are not listed in ASME section IX.
Parent - - By Lorne (*) Date 04-21-2006 13:53
Thanks Bill.
Also, even though the WPS is quailfied for a wide variety of base metals, welders qualified in accordance with AWS D1.1 (6G) are still only permitted to weld on those base metals listed in table 3.1 of AWS D1.1, correct?

Or if the welder qualified in accordance with D1.1 using the above noted WPS is the welder now qualified for both the materials listed in D1.1 table 3.1 and the materials qualified in the noted WPS.

Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 04-21-2006 16:24
Good question-

AWS D1.1 says that only base metals listed in Table 3.1 are acceptable for use in pre-qualified procedures. You would have to qualify the procedure to use a non-listed base metal... Unless you get engineering approval per AWS D1.1 sect that allows for engineer approval of AWS B2.1 procedures. if the Engineer approves the procedure the D1.1 6G performance test would also qualify the welder in accordance to AWS B2.1.

AWS B2.1 says that "Personnel currently qualified by the employer to meet the requirements of other codes or specifications (D1.1) are considered qualified under AWS B2.1 provided that the basis for their qualification meets all requirements of this specification."

And if the welder and procedure is qualified to B2.1, the welder would be qualified to weld all the materials as defined in table 3.3 of AWS B2.1 (M1 through M11, & M-41 through M-47, and M-34).

It hinges on engineering approval.
Parent - By Lorne (*) Date 04-21-2006 19:10

thanks again and I really appreciate your references to the code. Makes things a lot easier on me.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / WPS Base Metals

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