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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / 5G and 6G Positions.
- - By pipeliner06 (*) Date 04-21-2006 13:22
I am looking for some info on spacing and tacking 2" inch and 12" thinwall pipe for certification for a local pipeliner company.

On the 2" inch the test will be all downhill (5P+) 3/32 Root pass-(5P+)1/8 Hot pass-Filler-and cap in the 5G and 6G Fixed position`s under API 1104.Need spacing info and tacking info.This test will be x-Rayed and Root and Face bends.

On the 12" inch the test will be all downhill (70+) 1/8 Root pass and Hot pass and 5/32 Filler and Cap in the 5G and 6G Fixed position`s under API 1104.Also need spacing and tacking info.This test will also be X-Rayed and Root and Face bends.

The testing certification will be valid for one year with no other testing to be done within that year.It has been 15 years since me welding pipelines from 2" to 30" and im going to be brushing up after I bevel some of the pipe I will be testing on.

Thanks a bunch.

Parent - - By pipeliner06 (*) Date 04-22-2006 02:47
No welders in this forum with the above information?



Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 04-24-2006 16:28
steven , hope you are getting some practice , my memory is like your former welding over 15 yrs. , but some things that come to mind are the thickness .156 and thinner space at 1/16 ,
rod size 3/32 55-80 amps ,
1/8 90-120 amps for 5p+ two passes . thicker .164-.250 wall 1/8 rod 90-120 amps.root 95-130 hot 115-125 cover 3 passes . thicker 5/16 4passes ,3/8 5 passes ,1/2 7 passes .stripper passes from 2-5 o-clock. all fit with 1/16 gap 1/16 land ,30 degree bevel all root beads drag rod i like to put enough pressure on to actually make the rod bend slightly works for me . wish you were closer i would practice also . are they going to x-ray in lieu of mechanicals testing ? i still have tensil and bender and cupon cutter to test with send me your snail mail address i think i
might be able to find an old lincoln circular its got most of what you need . i feel like an old dinosaur i see where frontis just developed and set pipeline weld records in arctic conditions welding a 32" line 182 joints in 4 days new technology . duoal twin time torches automatic from both sides ver. down 7 passes . hope this helps . willie
Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 04-24-2006 17:01
Good Info. However, you may need to increase the root face (land) to 3/32. And a 90 degree travel angle instead of a drag. By the way, X-ray requirements are fairly tough on that thin wall. 25% is about 1/32" for porosity. So if you burn a large keyhole, let the weldment cool a bit before going again. Excessive root reinforcement on the top likes to suck in Porosity.
Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 04-24-2006 17:09
As for tacking, we keep secure in a 2" weld clamp until most of the root is in. For training we use three tacks. 2 - 10 - 6 o'clock for the small stuff. Standard four tacks for larger. 12 - 3 - 6 - 9. a little diff. than for vert. up
Parent - By pipeliner06 (*) Date 04-24-2006 17:21
Thank you guy`s for your advice.Yes webbcity the test will be X-Rayed also under API 1104 and mechanical tested also.

Much appreciated.

Parent - - By - Date 05-07-2006 17:58
Ok first off,,,this is gonna be cut with a beveling machine right? If so, lay your nipples flat, with your spacer in dead center. I use a 1/16 tied down and as my spacer. For the 2' id use a 1/16 with a small landing due to the fact your stinging it with a 32nd. When youve got your nipples tact up, be dead sure theirs no Hi/Low,,because your stringer will favor one side or the other,,,as im sure you know. after the first tack, its usually just an eyeball alignment after that,,,unless your workbench is level. You might take a couple levels just in case. My main concern in your test is everything after the stringer,,i think youll be fine on the tack up. Be sure to remember that from about 4 oclock to 8 oclock on your hot pass and filler,,,your rod angle is up,,,and which does heat travel? Dont forget to turn your machine down about 10-15 amps so as not to blow a hole, and keep your rod burried,,,no long arc on the bottom because you'll do nothing but gouge. Another thing is, in the past,,,ive seen lots of welders pass an X ray,,,but the bend proves everything. When your traveling down the pipe,,,MAKE DEAD POSITIVE that you do not long arc at all, because what this does is produce in the weld what inspectors call a silver streak,,,and you will break staps. Ive seen it all too often. Its broken many welders. On the 6g take anything you need to be comfortable, its not illegal and you wont fail. Others may laugh but youre not there to impress,,your there to pass. I usually take a piece of pipe,,,2" usually and run it through the nipples. Tack you a couple of pieces of strap or angle iron on the ends of the nipple so as to suspend the nipple around the pipe. Put it in any position that you feel comfortabl with,,,and go to work. Just remember not to long arc,,,and good luck
Parent - By dinky Date 07-21-2006 08:02
Hi Dean 60 , your advise sounds great.Can i check with you regarding the rod angle from 8.00 o clock to six o clock.Surely the rod is in front of the pool as it travells from 8.00 to 6.00 o clock?Thanks John
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / 5G and 6G Positions.

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