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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ATTN!!do notopenWOWbyKAJUN1orKILL*READ*
- - By big t (*) Date 04-24-2006 20:36
It is sabatoged. The posts that are in there by tito and pipewelder1999 are not what was originally written. I changes the words to whatever it wants. I have e-mailed the webmaster about this. Also I had to change my username and password because it no longer works.


Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 04-24-2006 20:45
you crazy man ((
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 04-24-2006 20:45
I saw the posts earlier but I did not open them because they looked suspicious to me. I figured they were either porn or a trojan horse virus. Not many welding topics I know of would use words like "woow" without a bit more to explain it.

Parent - - By big t (*) Date 04-24-2006 20:53
Chet, It looks like you are alot smarter than a lot of us.

Looks like swnorris and kipmank have been sabatoged as well. Check out the reply to my post in "shop talk".

Hopefully the webmaster fixes this soon.

Can someone who has not been infested also e-mail the webmaster to try to get this fixed?

Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 04-24-2006 21:03
I'll give it a try.
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 04-24-2006 21:17
I just sent off an email to AWS. I'd phone but it is after 5pm EST so they aren't open now. I suspect AWS already is aware of the problem though.
I'd also be careful about opening any emails that you don't know the soruce of. I didn't hide mine in my profile but am now wondering if I should. I'll ride it out until this clears up though because I don't know if making profile changes could trigger the problem on my computer.

Parent - By big t (*) Date 04-24-2006 21:31
Thanks Chet.

I wonder how many people got affected. I noticed a couple more did from the replies to my posts.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-24-2006 21:58
my email to keiko earlier today.....

I think one of you need to look at the threads started by "kill", it appears that the link will reveal your ID and PW info. When my mouse rolled over the link I saw my ID and PW in the string of text.
John Wright

I think it might be too late, "kill" appears to have gained access to a couple of the member's ID and PW (pipewelder_1999 and KAJUN1).
-John Wright

edit: add tito to the list. This guy now that he/she has the PW they have the ability to revise their posts and their ID information.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ATTN!!do notopenWOWbyKAJUN1orKILL*READ*

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