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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help on Thermal Stress Relieving
- - By - Date 01-03-2001 20:42
Need to find a thermal process to stress relief friction welded parts immediately after the friction welding process. This process need to be a continuous single piece flow with high cooling rate. Please help with feedback or propose alternative process with the same result.

Parent - By R. Johnson (**) Date 01-04-2001 23:17
Stress relief and high cooling rates do not go hand-in-hand. By rapidly cooling the part you are locking in the stresses you are trying to eliminate. You might want to consider mechanical or virbratory stress relief methods.
Parent - By Charles Hooter Date 01-09-2001 19:20
Why not try ultrasound, This non heat, so cooling is not a problem.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 01-09-2001 22:17
You really should at least say what kind of material and what kind of propertys you desire, then maybe some one could possibly help you.
Parent - By bspeirs (*) Date 01-10-2001 03:20
Not knowing your application, material, etc, but here is a thought anyway.

The pipe mills use induction heating to normalize the ERW weld. The tube is continuously moving, with the induction coil stationary. Just add enough power and the seam area gets red-hot.

Induction heating is also done to pipe ends after heavy threaded connections are friction-welded to the butt end.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help on Thermal Stress Relieving

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