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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / area where lots of jobs? (locked)
- - By adamm Date 05-19-2006 02:26

I didn't know which forum to post this to, but I am wanting to find info about where there might be an abundance of work for someone who is a welder in the union.  Someone in my family is looking to find steady work and it has been less than that in the area where they are.  Is there a way to find this information?

Parent - - By tlawson Date 05-19-2006 19:53
I have lots of work just not for a union person
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-19-2006 20:16
tlawson, I agree.  I am not anti-union, having been in a union member myself on severla occasions, but it seems like where I'm living anyway, the unions have driven a few nails into their own coffin.  It's very hard for Americans to compete with foriegn markets, and while I feel compassion for the union folks out there the cold facts are today's CEO's are simply looking at the bottom line, no matter the effect on America or our highly skilled trades.
Parent - - By showmewelder (*) Date 01-05-2007 02:00
hi there,i was wondering where and what type of work u have,im a non union rig welder and im lookin to move to a new location, so if u could let me know what kinda workers ur needing id appreciate it,thanks showmewelder
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 01-05-2007 15:37
look up sourdough on this fourm. i think he is looking for welders
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 05-20-2006 04:11 Edited 05-20-2006 05:21
Hi Adamm!
The genius about this forum is everyone that participates here has differences of opinions of which we all can in a civil manner, agree or disagree with and still for the most part, respect each other nonetheless.

I started out as a sixth step apprentice with the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers up in good old "Rotten" Groton, CT many Moons ago!
Without getting into a long dragged out chronological history, I learned more about working with different metals, many types of welding processes, interpreting engineering drawings & symbols involving complex systems and structures, fabrication techniques, pipefitting, pipewelding than I did when I was in the USN, which was where I first was formerly trained to weld and gained valuable experience as a result of it!

When I left Electric Boat, I was a First Class Pipe Welder/OJT Instructor with unique experience.
I then proceeded to work as a Boilermaker/Tube welder and sometimes as an Ironworker in the NY/NJ area and as the work became cyclical. I worked alot on the road with the NTL (National Transient Local) up in New England, Chicagoland, Minnesota, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, the Carolina's, Georgia, Forida and some others that, when it all came down to the bottom line - did'nt even rate!!! Yep, I did alot of travelling and had alot of fun doing so. Also, made alot of money along the way working 6-10's or 7-12's. I also learned alot more about the different types of power plants, paper mills, steel mills, chemical plants, all types of structures. it was through these experiences that I really started to appreciate the genius of designing these different complex structures and piping systems along with all of their ancillary equipment... I also learned alot more than I ever did about the different people that lived in these areas. It showed me alot more about how great this country is for it's common values and virtues in spite of our diversity.

I also learned alot about how having a union behind you would no doubt, be advantageous to you when you're out on the road by yourself so to speak, in certain circumstances which I will not get into but, I'll say did occurr.

The training I recieved from the USN, as an apprentice with the Boilermakers, as a Journeyman Boilermaker was second to none!!! I owe my entire career to both of these entities and will always be grateful for the opportunities they gave me as a result of my experiences with them. Alot of "doors" were opened for me as a result of my experiences with both the United States Navy and the Boilermakers Union!

The Boilermakers BTW,also gave me the opportunity to more about structural steel as an Ironworker no less. The 2 Unions have an agreement or at least they did when I was in, that honored both types of Journeymen in the field.

I almost forgot about the benefits that covered you for just about everything!!!
Don't get me wrong because, their were some practices that I personally saw that were not ethical, fair etc. but, then again, that happens nowadays more often than before anyway so, basically there's good and bad everywhere you go these days IMHO!!!

All I know is that I got alot more GOOD than Bad out of my experiences as a Union Boilermaker/Ironworker!
This is just my experience and others may disagree with my opinion but, without having strong Unions in this country's history, the Middle class would have never existed in the first place!!!  The weaker the Unions are these days is one of the primary reasons why the Middle class of THESE UNITED STATES is shrinking and disappearing and as a result, causing the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor!!!

The last thing I'll mention before I jump off my soapbox is that OUTSOURCING has'nt helped the health of the Middle class nor has NAFTA as they both promised to do so... These two Greedy practices of the filthy rich were nothing more than classic examples of a sales pitches that only a "snake oil" travelling salesman would use to sell you a "cure" for something that ails ya!!! Yep, these practices  have definitely weakened the Unions in this country, and so did the Unions themselves - especially the ones that were running them by concentrating so much of the unions resources in aiding their own personal choices of candidates for public office in other words, political campaigns!!! Only to have their rank and file stabbed in the back as a result of their actions afterwards!!!

I'm gonna get off my soapbox now because, I think that I've already expressed my own opinion too much but I will say this, Union apprenticeships always give top notch trades skills education!!!
This is something that I think most here will agree with! I'll leave it at that!!!

Bottom line is as a Boilermaker/Tube welder, you have to travel where the work is these days because of the nature of the work involved. That's not to say that this is always the case... For example, some union locals are so busy that even if you're on the "B" list, there's steady work for the next year or two or even more depending on where they're located and the amount of new construction projects and shutdowns are going on but, the only way to find out is to call around all of the locals and find out... You should'nt have any trouble getting those local numbers if you visit your local and most unions have special numbers to call about work at othe locals across the country... If you're online, find out where there's an ethnol plant (Alot of these will soon be popping up all over the place) being built because, they'll always have the need for Boilermaker/welders and Pipefitter/ welders... I hope this helps.

Run Silent...  Run Deep!!!

Parent - - By adamm Date 05-20-2006 22:04

>   I guess the question I asked was not clear enough.  I was only 

hoping to find out where in the country, as in which states or large 
cities would have a lot of jobs for WELDERS, union or otherwise, I  guess. 
I would think if there is a lot of construction going on,  then you
would find welding work for both union and non union  jobs?  Is that
right?  I am not a welder myself or in the  construction trades, so I don't
know much about it.

>   We had heard that Las Vegas and Chicago are areas that have

potentially  a lot of work for welders, but I just wanted to find out if there
are  other areas too.

>   Thanks,
>   Adam

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-20-2006 22:56
Banker Steel is going to be filling 110 jobs here in Lynchburg, Virginia. They are a structural fabricator that does structural steel, steel for bridges, and other projects. You can find them at...

Good Luck,
Parent - By MAC702 (*) Date 05-21-2006 05:34
You can get to the classified sections of most newspapers on the Internet.  There are tons of union and non-union jobs in Las Vegas.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 05-22-2006 11:40
Lots and lots of works for welders etc. in the oilfield along the gulf coast right now.
Anywhere from Mobile to Houston.
I think Houston is the busiest.

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-21-2006 08:46
SSBN727; I also began my career in the Boilermakers many, many years ago and could not agree more with you.  I owe them an enormous debt of gratitude for helping me become what I am today.

With regard to geographic locations of where the most welding jobs are, I would likely vote Houston and/or Louisiana but one could go to and easily get a mapping of where the most current welding jobs are offered.
Parent - By barbier (***) Date 05-22-2006 12:07
Don't forget AWS' website dedicated to finding welding jobs-
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-06-2007 14:43 Edited 01-06-2007 18:05
I think you have more than one handle on this forum, mister!! Just who the heck are you??

Im referring to ssbn 7 sumthin!!

Inquiring minds want to know. . . . . . .
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-08-2007 16:41
Good Morning Sourdough!

I sent you a PM because I will not even dignify your question here!!!
Please look for my response in "Messages".
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-09-2007 05:20
Same back at ya!
Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 05-22-2006 12:20
Milwaukee has some fab shop jobs.
Lots of work in the mines in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and the Nevada mines.  The local mining support shops in these areas are also looking.
Parent - - By adamm Date 05-22-2006 12:34
Thank you all for the great information.  I didn't have those websites either, so that gives me more to look at.  I appreciate all the help!  :-)
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-05-2007 11:33
How's the job search going?
Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 01-05-2007 16:26
adamm , if he, she is in the union should be able to check with union . check there sometimes other unions also call on each other to get enough people to weld make shure they get all their travel cards , letters and have with them to be welcomed to these areas also that will make their benifits follow them later in life when they retire . i am enjoying my retirement have been so busy don't know how i found time to work all those years . good luck . willie
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-05-2007 19:28
this site has jobs listed all over the USA, and international
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-05-2007 19:33
another good one is
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-06-2007 14:45
I'm filling the void, but still will be needing welders till the March 20 deadline. Send me a message and qualifications. All welds will be x rayed.
Parent - - By jcull (*) Date 01-06-2007 22:09
What kind of welding work do you have Sourdough and what are you paying to rig welders?...jcull
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-06-2007 23:15
Putting together a large natural gas compressor. Pay really depends on experience, and if you have your own rig and insurance.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-07-2007 01:52 Edited 01-07-2007 01:55
Hey sourdough i have my own rig but no certs and no insurance 3 years experience in the oil field hung some iron and done some boilermaker work don't guess you can use someone like me huh
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-07-2007 02:31
Shad, most the welds will be open root tig, then we will go in and hot, fill and cap everything. It's a tight ship, everything heavy wall pipe. Certs don't mean much to me. It's if your welds pass. As far as insurance, you need at least a mil general liability most times. We carry 6 mil umbrella, just in case. . . It's what you're comfortable with that counts. I'm staying put and taking care of the regular clientelle, so I still have a job after March. Pretty much just sub contracting on this one.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-08-2007 00:54
Thanks for the reply but the tig part knocks me out i've seen it done once or twice but never actually tried it once again thanks for the reply
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-07-2007 01:50
Yes roadtech is a good site found it myself the other day by accident. Not much on rig welders or should i say contract welders but it is a good site
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / area where lots of jobs? (locked)

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