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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Estimating
- - By Chas. Miller Date 01-11-2001 03:32

I am searching for a formula and or software that will aid me in quoting and costing of weldments. This computer program or formula should be able to effectively cost out weldments by entering assorted variables such as wire cost, gas cost, labor cost, size of weld and so on. If anyone knows of such a program or formula please contact me at this E-mail address. Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Chas. Miller CWI/CWE
Parent - By Tim Buyle (**) Date 01-11-2001 09:19
The Dutch Welding Institute (Europe) supplies all over the world a wonderful program called "COSTCOMP" (Windows or Mac version) for the calculation of welding costs, based on a lot of welding parameters (filler metal, welding proces, welding position, amount of work under survey, gas, machining costs, ....)

Ik think the full licensed version is available for about 193 Euro en sent all over the world.

Go to the website and order a licensed copy or download a demo version :

I think you will love Costcomp as much as I do.

T. Buyle, EWE

Parent - By magodley (**) Date 01-11-2001 13:32
See Hobart Institute for a program called "weldit" produced by the Canadian Welding Bureau.
Parent - By Neal (*) Date 01-12-2001 22:58
Check out under the products section or contact via email. My products are designed to do just what you are asking for.

Neal Chapman
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 01-16-2001 05:53
I have an old application that assists with weld metal amount calculations and compares the cost of welding processes. Its on my site at

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Estimating

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