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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Bug O equipment
- - By gyadon (**) Date 01-17-2001 00:57
We have a Bug O Speed Weaver II Model Bug 5300 SN #063998 1998. The Drive is Model Bug 0343 SN 0490998 1998. Problem! Since we bought it new we have had problems with this setup. First when we pluged the weaver into the drive the circut breaker would pop from time to time. We sent it back to bugo and they returned it saying nothing was wrong. Well the circut breakers still pop. Now we might weld 8ft to 16 feet all is well. Then as we are welding the weaver goes fast and will start jerking making wide to norrow welds. We never weld over 8 ft in length at one time it could 10 to 30 min between setups. We donot even use this mechine daily, it might set 30 to 60 days between jobs. We did find that by pluging the weaver into a seperate cord the cir. breaker would not trip. The machine is used to seam .250 to 10 ga with .045 hard wire. It is not been abused or over streesed. Can anyone ofer some sugestions. Maybe recomand another product?
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 01-18-2001 17:49
We use several Bug-O products (Uni-Bugs, Stitch welder) but not the Speed Weaver, so I can't tell you much about them. I do have a suggestion, that you check to be sure your welding power supply is grounded. I don't mean the welding ground lead, I mean the power connection which connects the weld machine frame to an earth ground. If your grounding isn't connected right it might be that a small voltage is feeding back into your Bug-O and going to ground that way.
Also you might check the supply voltage to the Bug-O, make sure it's where it should be. Low voltage can cause motors to overheat.
If that doesn't work, since you sent it back to Bug-O and they say there's nothing wrong, I'd try to get a sales rep in your plant to see it for themselves.
I hope this helps.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Bug O equipment

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