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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Acetylene operating temperatures
- - By Gary Date 01-17-2001 09:30
Newbie to oxy/acetylene what environment temperatures can you weld with an oxy/acetylene outfit without any problems with gas flows through the regulators, lines or torch mixers? Would 40 degree's farhenheit be too cold? Thanks.
Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 01-17-2001 11:12
You would just have to watch the pressure of your oxygen cylinder and compensate for it on your regulator. The pressure of gasses in a tank drops as temperature drops. For example, if you have a fully charged tank that is 2200 psig at 70 degrees F, it may be only 2100 at 40 degrees and 2300 at 100 degrees F. At freezing point (32 degrees F) it may only be around 2000 psig. And of course watch your WPS for any required preheat. You should really contact your gas supplier for that information.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 01-18-2001 10:48
40 Deg F. should not be to cold. Even if there is visible frosting on a regulator it shouldn't affect the operation. I can't comment on sub zero temperatures but I would doubt there is any problems with freezing here in the south.

Increased flow rates from multiple operators using one regulator might cause freezing due to the pressure drop accross the regulator and the high flow rate.

If your having problems at 40Deg F. then its more than likely a regulator problem.

I have used OXY Actet for preheat in 10 Deg. F using a large heating tip and I did not experience any problems.

Have a nice day.

G Austin
Parent - By John H. UK (*) Date 01-22-2001 21:08
Why hasn't someone made insulation sleeves for welding cylinders? I can understand Gary because over Christmas and Boxing day my brother and I did some furious welding and produced a wonderful BBQ work of art from our old boiler. We almost kill ourselves polishing the rust off. It turned us and everything else a mellow orange, even the rabbit. It didn't really do any BBQing though, that could have just been that we were too cold to notice I suppose. While I was welding it the only change I noticed, like all the posts say, is the delivery pressure will keep dropping relatively quickly if it's very cold. Just get someone to watch the regulators for you if your at home because it saves you moving. You'll have it a little worse if you have single stage regulators. Once I have put together a bench I'll perhaps stitch some covers for mine and pack them with the insulation from our old boiler tank and see how it goes. I can always warm them up with the flame from my torch! I'm just kidding. Has there been an increase in O^2 tank pressure recently because all the older books I read say that the O^2 is at 2000psi, but mine came at 2300 I think and all the posts go over 2000 for a full tank?
All the best,
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Acetylene operating temperatures

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