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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Rolling offsets
- - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-07-2006 18:41
Okay, I admit that I am a caveman when it comes to rolling offsets on pipe applications. I've worked in the oilpatch too long. Does anyone have a bonafide way to figure out the angle for more than 1 rolling offset on a pipeline. I have always just guessed and it usually worked out.
Parent - - By MNSTRBLDR (**) Date 10-09-2006 12:46
I guess I don't know what you mean by "the angle for more than 1 rolling offset". To figure a rolling offset, find the set ( the distance you will be traveling vertically), and the roll( the distance you will be moving laterally), now take the set squared + the roll squared. If you are using 90's, that answer is your travel, If you are using any other angle, take your answer X the cosecant of the angle.For instance, a 45 would be 1.414. It's as simple as A2+B2=C2. It's just another triangle. I hope this was easy enough to understand. Glad to help, Henry
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-13-2006 00:41 Edited 10-13-2006 00:52
Thanks for your reply. I guess there really is no answer for my question. The question arose after, (literally), 14 hrs standing on a 4x4 between a mudtank and well stack, (w/no help), trying to figure out this offset and that offset all the while everything was moving during "nipple-up", (seriously). I have since then removed me from the vendors list and had to take the company to court to be paid because the toolpusher threw my invoice in the garbage after he signed it. Evidently he took offense when I told him, (after completion), to not ever, ever call me again. The company's name is -email me if you want to know- Corporation, (rig#1), and the toolpusher's name was Joel, (fired). It took us over 4 months to get paid.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Rolling offsets

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