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- - By hogan (****) Date 06-05-2008 21:37
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-06-2008 00:17
Very interesting. :-)

Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-06-2008 04:29
Looking at that chart You can see which countries tax the He** out of gas, where it is subsidized, and where crude is produced. Yes, interesting. Do You suppose the high cost of gas in most of the world is all Bush's fault? Damn, he is powerful.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 06-06-2008 11:34
I copied it to Excel and ran the average.  It is only $1.49 in spite of the high priced countries.  I don't think the high prices are entirely due to taxes.  Rather, the low prices are due to countries that own the oil and subsidize the public - like Iran at .05.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-06-2008 14:04

jrw159 :-)
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 06-06-2008 14:10
It's like taking a cut in pay everytime the gas prices go up.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 06-06-2008 14:13
My entire raise for 2008 is nearly gone due to increases in gas and food.  I am barely keeping up with inflation.  I got cost of living + merit this year too.  At least I got a raise.  We missed our sales goals and they sometimes freeze raises when that happens.
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 06-06-2008 14:33
You can't do much but grin and bear it.Maybe something will happen after the elections.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-06-2008 17:41
Yes, and perhaps that is at least part of what its about.
Interesting that the oil companies insist that its supply and demand, and yet the prices of gasoline in the US did not start to skyrocket until 2005. So the question is, what is it that all of a sudden created more demand? Did everybody go out and buy new Hummers in 05(the big ones of course, not the 3's)? Did the Baby Boomers suddenly trade up to bigger Winnebago's?
Can't be heating fuel with Global Warming and all (another political joke on us)? Personnaly I wish that all the Global Warmiacs would rescue us all and go out and buy a new Hybrid. That would reduce fuel demand and prices of real vehicles.
Also, less time at the pump to be sure, but more time trying to shoehorn yourself in those Yugo upgrades. I know a vehicle the size of my nephews Tonka truck is the answer a guy like me at 6' 4" is looking for.
Of course interest rates would probably go up since they are on the average at least 2k more expensive than comparable gas vehicles (bigger loans more risk for the banks you know), factor that cost over the average loan term and with the average interest rate and see if your actually saving.
Be interesting to see if we get some respite from price increases after the election. Or does anybody really believe the middle east has no interest in American elections.
Heck, Bin Laden and Zawahiri (however you spell it) have already endorsed Obama.
They liked Hillary better at first but just never could bring themselves to throw their delegates to a woman without a burka.
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 06-06-2008 17:48
Yea,who else were they going to endorse.Hussien Obama.I don't know man,little guys like me and you don't make much of a difference in the scheme of gas prices.I wish I lived close enough to work to bike,but I don't (64 miles round trip),it even costs 30 bucks to fill up my portable welder.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-06-2008 18:15
Biking to work is a good idea and I'd do it too, except maybe when the temps 95 and the humidity matches, if I weren't too many miles away. But in the end the whole idea still pizzes me off.
I garantee that if the gas prices hurt our representatives, using the term loosely, as much as it does us something would be done.
Somebody mentioned, I think Gerald, awhile back, and I thought it a terrific idea, that we boycott specific oil companies. You cannot beat them all at once. But you can beat them one at a time. Like say, Exxon, we recognize your record profits of late and have decided we will not buy anymore of your gas. Good bye. That is of course unless you decide to reduce gas prices. I've already started myself.
Shell, your next. Then next. Then next. Of course the others will have to follow suit. Lets actually bring real supply and demand back to the system. The oil companies wanna claim supply and demand. Well, we can make it real. We no longer demand your product. Sound naive? Maybe. But not in theoiry I think. Just in expectation of it actually happening. Too bad.
The oil companies aren't the problem you say. Well, lets try it and see. Can't hurt.
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 06-06-2008 18:23
Its hot here in Tennessee too brother.Sounds like your on the right track with the boycott though,those oil company exec's are livin' way too fat off the hog.We'll all hopfully be driving hydrogen powered cars sometime before I die.
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 06-06-2008 18:33
does anyone know, at our current usage rate of oil, how many more years roughly we have a supply for globally?

Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 06-06-2008 18:54
I think some program on the discovery channel said 50 yrs. give or take 10.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 06-06-2008 19:02
The number I heard published by the DOE was something like 50 yrs.  The more pessimistic geophysicists say only 35 yrs.  Severe shortages will happen long before that.  China expects to have 100 million cars in only a few yrs for example.  I am not looking forward to my stock portfolio and retirement nest egg tanking at all.  They say to buy gold.
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 06-06-2008 19:28
that's pretty depressing
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 06-06-2008 19:36
I used to lose sleep over this.  Now, I don't worry about what I can't control.  If things get bad enough, they will be forced to turn to liquid coal.  (In spite of what the global warming alarmists think.)  We can hope for a new algae that can be used to make biodiesel.  The existing ones cost $20 a gallon.  One company on PBS the other night said they would have an algae that can make biodiesel for less than $3 a gallon within 3 years.  Of course, they want investors.  I already got burned by the liquid coal investments because the environmentalists protested and shut down some projects.  I will sit out the algae-biodiesel until they have the breakthrough.  May not get rich, but cant lose.
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 06-06-2008 19:42
the earth will probably collapse upon itself from all the voids left in it. i think the oil companies should be required to fill the voids they make by sucking all the oil out with concrete for future stability.
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 06-06-2008 19:44
i will then invest in concrete and get rich off the oil companies
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 06-06-2008 19:51
i think i will design a car that can be powered by oompa loompas. the chocolate factory has got to be out of business by now with all the safety issues i observed the last time i saw it. so that means there should be a ton of oompa loompas looking for work.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-07-2008 02:36
PRICELESS!!! Thats great!

But for real, I also wonder about the voids left below us.
I know that in the Borger TX area the actualy seal these voids and the pressure inject them with petroleum products.

We may be screwing up the natural balance of things by removing and using products that are hevier than air and lighter than water, as well as replacing it with a totally differant substance, or as mentioned, pressurizing it in a volitile state.

Are we going to spin off into space and collide with another planet as a result of interupting the natural balance of the earth?

Who knows.


Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-09-2008 15:49 Edited 06-09-2008 15:58
Have you ever thought that the oil in the earth is the fuel that keeps it hot and life sustaining? For all we know we are burning up the "blood" of the planet.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-09-2008 16:04
Back in my younger years, working on pulling units in the TX panhandle, IE Amarillo, and Borger, YES this often crossed my mind as I looked out at all the holes punched and heard stories about the "voids" and witnessing first hand sinkholes right in town.

Is it a valid concern? I do not know for sure.

But it sure makes one wonder sometimes.

Now I do not want to come across as one of those cat throwing alarmist's running down the streets screaming "The end is NEAR, The end is NEAR!!!" But who really knows.

jrw159 :-)
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-10-2008 19:36
Interesting theory.  Where would we find the smoke stack? :)
Parent - - By and4rik (**) Date 06-13-2008 06:43
Are we going to spin off into space and collide with another planet as a result of interupting the natural balance of the earth?


screw this... I 'm walking!
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-13-2008 13:21
Well, if we do it's gona be one hell of a ride, but I don't think we can spin out of our orbit.  We could however change the wabble and rotational speed maybe, which will have devastating consequences on our planet.  Good for some and bad for others I mean.;-)
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 06-13-2008 14:08
if i remember correctly, the underwater landslide that caused the tsunami a few years ago around Christmas in SE Asia caused a hesitation in the  rotation of the earth. it added 1/2 of a second to that day, slowing the rotation.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-13-2008 14:57 Edited 06-13-2008 15:17
the enery was enough to speed up the planet's rotation by 3 microseconds, has slightly changed the earth's shape, and shifted the North Pole. None of these changes have yet been measured -- only calculated
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-13-2008 15:57
  I forget all the crazy stuff that would happen if the speed and wabble changes.  Anyone have any input on that?
Parent - By and4rik (**) Date 06-13-2008 17:54
I remember something about the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.  There is a theory that it wasn't just the dust from the meteorite, but also a volcano from that exploded on the opposite side of the earth that spit a buncha sulpher or whatever into the atmosphere.  Kinda' like a 1 2 punch.  But because of the shifting tectonic plates over 60 million years I don't remember if they found anything.  I think they refered to it as a antipodal dipole.  Not sure if my terminology is correct though, but an interesting theory.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-13-2008 19:41
Check this website out.            Cilly little
Parent - - By and4rik (**) Date 06-14-2008 02:02 Edited 06-14-2008 02:05
  You'll have to check out this old book I found in a box.  Its called "The Beginning was the End"  by Oscar Kiss Maerth.  Great stuff man, everyone i've showed it to that has read it loved it.  It's based off the bible and tells how humans evolved from cannibalism, essentially the apple is a symbol for human brains.  How's that for night of the living dead.  I guess its also the cover of a Devo album.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-17-2008 13:49
Well One needs to look very closely this.... Let me start by saying this, if I were to build a house what would be the fruit of my labor, a house would be the end result. now let's look at the Fruit of knowledge, in the bible if I Knew my wife we would be doing the DEED. What is the fruit of this biblical "knowledge"....Children.
That's when Adam was told he would now need to provide for this child he has created by farming, and the eve is told about the pain of birth.
Why was this so strange isn't this natural? Maybe not, Adam was only the first man, and the bible clearly states there are more sons of god who found the daughters of man" ADAM" to be beautiful and took wives and created the Nephlim (giants thats a whole other story) but there was only one woman Eve all the nations of the earth will come from her.
So original sin must have something to do with the ability to procreate (now man is like us). There was no apple!!!! The tree of life is the ability to pass ourselves onto offspring ........eternal life.
this also explanes all the different types of people on the planet.
Parent - By and4rik (**) Date 06-18-2008 02:50
Like the title of the book says:  The beginning was the end;)
Parent - - By Wrench Tech (**) Date 06-20-2008 03:43
The original sin was to acquire the knowledge of the difference between good and evil.  Inocence lost.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-20-2008 14:28
That's the Common idea, but if one looks to the ancient texts of Mesopotamia a few more Ideas can be assumed, as most of the historical accounts from the bible are the same as the texts, not to mention all the other Jewish scrolls long since forgotten and the ones removed altogether from the bible, the in depth accounts of Adam and eves life and exile from the garden.
The writings of the Old Testament are passed down from those texts they are not an original story.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-20-2008 16:12 Edited 06-20-2008 16:17
When the civilization of Sumer was already a thousand years old, around 2300 BC, we find written accounts of creation, a primitive paradise, and a flood that destroyed the world:

After Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursag
had fashioned the black-headed people,
Vegetation sprang from the earth,
Animals, four-legged creatures of the plain,
Were brought artfully into existence
[37 lines are unreadable]
After the....of kingship had been lowered from heaven
After the exalted crown and the throne of kingship
Had been lowered from heaven,
He perfected the rites and exalted the divine ordinances...
He founded the five cities in pure places,...
Then did Nintu weep like a....
The pure Inanna set up a lament for its people,
Enki took council with himself,
Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursag....
The gods of heaven and earth uttered the name of Anu and Enlil
Then did Ziusudra, the king, the priest of...,
Build a giant...;
Humbly obedient, reverently he...
Attending daily, constantly he...,
Bringing forth all kinds of dreams, he...,
Uttering the name of heaven and earth, he...[...]
the gods a wall...,
Ziusudra, standing at its side, listened.
"Stand by the wall at my left side...,
By the wall I will say a word to you,
Take my word,
Give ear to my instructions:
By our...a flood will sweep over the cult-centers;
To destroy the seed of mankind...,
Is the decision, the word of the assembly of the gods.
By the word commanded by Anu and Enlil...,
Its kingship, its rule will be put to an end.
[about 40 lines missing]
All the windstorms, exceedingly powerful,
Attacked as one,
At the same time, the flood sweeps over the cult-centers.
After, for seven days,
the flood sweeps over the cult centers.
After, for seven days and seven nights,
The flood had swept over the land,
And the huge boat had been tossed
About by the windstorms on the great waters,
Utu came forth, who sheds light on heaven and earth,
Ziusudra opened a window of the huge boat,
The hero Utu brought his rays into the giant boat.
Ziusudra, the king,
Prostrated himself before Utu
Gilgamesh became the hero of the Babylonian epic poem which bears his name, and which also contains an account of the flood. Until recently, these king lists and the names in them were thought to be purely fanciful. But in the 1930's, Sir Leonard Woolley, while excavating a building at Ur on the Ubaid level, found an inscription indicating that the structure had been erected by the son of the founder of the First Dynasty of Ur, a person up till that time regarded as fiction.
        Gilgamesh, too, has been found to be a real person, with inscriptions telling of the buildings he built.
Sumerian Legend of Creation
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 06-20-2008 18:09
Mike, some accounts date Sumerian tablets back to 8000 BC. Another flood story of theres predates Gilgamesh. I'll have to look up his name. What is amazing is if you look at some of there other myths you will find they are closely related to stories in genesis. They have the flood, the garden of eden, pain of childbirth, mans creation (life breathed into dirt). Not to mention what they contributed to advancing culture. They had the first recorded cities, first use of the plow, first use of the wheel, first form of writing, first recorded form of astrology. They were an amazing people
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-20-2008 18:53
True they were very advanced I stumbled across a tablet that was basically a nonconformance report to a supplier of bronze stating they had supplied the wrong grade to some one in Sumer.
They also had many things that people think are new ideas like welfare, I have read laws that were made to support unwed mothers in Sumer.
I cannot remember where I read this but there was an account of a Sumer king who documented the REBUILDING of a temple, but the strange thing about it was he claimed at that time the temple was already an ancient structure.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 06-20-2008 18:15
Also, abraham was from the Sumerian city of Ur
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-20-2008 18:55
Thats true
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 06-20-2008 20:25
On that note, It goes on to say that Man & Woman should be removed from the garden least they eat from the tree of life (eternal life?) and become as "US".

The folks writing the King James Bible sure had problems with languages didn't they.

I don't suppose and many folks will swear to it that the writings in the King James Bible were never influenced by the monks and scribes doing the translation. Shucks, some parts are supposed to be straight out of the mouth of you know who. I really like the part near the end where it says you should not changed dot or dash I suppose.

I know I'll get a lot of flack for it but I got to say it anyway. The 2 biggest industries in this world (I mean money making) used to be Religion and Cancer but I think the Oil companies are giving them a good race.
:-) , :-)
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 06-20-2008 20:38
King James had a royal hemp garden. It was those same monks that you refer to that tended his garden.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 06-20-2008 20:50
Now I got it. Yes it's all perfectly clear like the face on my nose. I'll bet that's the idea OBEWAN was referring to. No wonder they kicked Adam & Eve out of the garden they must have been rolling around in the "Grass"
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-20-2008 22:54
"Rolling" around in the "grass" eating the "forbidden fruit" sounds like cause for immediate dismissal from the "Garden of Eden".

Parent - - By and4rik (**) Date 06-14-2008 02:20
I wonder if earth's magnetic field has any affect on wobble and rotation?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-17-2008 14:07
Does the magnetic field protect us from radiation?
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-17-2008 14:45
To some degree I would say yes. Though the research that backs that up is not very popular in the scientific community.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-17-2008 14:50
i thought a magnetic field has no effect on radiation?
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