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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Tips on learning how to pipe weld
- - By Jason776 Date 06-12-2008 03:46
Im intrested in learning how to weld pipe useing a stick rod and i was wandering if any one had any sights or tips they could tell me to make the learning process quicker

Also i was wandering how much time it would take for me to learn how to do it and pass a shop test ?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-12-2008 05:15

Welcome to the forum!

Use the search function on the forum here and just type in something like "Pipe welding"

You will have hours of good reading.

As far as time goes, everybody is unique and learns at a different pace.  If you are a very experienced welder than learning pipe will just be a transition and might be picked up in a short time... If you have never struck an arc than it can be a long road to becomming a proficient pipe welder...  Good things take time and effort :)
Parent - By Jason776 Date 06-12-2008 17:00
the largest part of my welding exp has been welding aluminum with Mig gun. I have spent a little time welding Stick on a flat surface but only enough to know that i can make a pass without sticking the rod, the weld itself looks like a monkey did it though.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-12-2008 12:30
     If you have never ran an open root seam before, it would be wise of you to start on plate first so you don't waste a bunch of pipe while learning your root pass.  Learn you flat, horizantal, vertical, and overhead on plate and it will make your transition into pipe much easier.  This is if you haven't done this allready.  What kind of welding experience do you have?
Parent - By flange jockey (*) Date 06-12-2008 17:05
jason as kix mentions plate is by far the better option in your case for practicing root. it is so much easier to prepare, this is the method any young apprentices in our company use, just grind a land  on one edge of 2 plates. gap to suit, this is 7016  f/j
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 06-12-2008 13:03
There are some video's you can order out of the AWS Welding Journal,but I can tell you this,It takes alot of practice and ability to get slick.
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 06-12-2008 17:13
This might be good too, I've used this site to RENT instructional videos/dvd's from, it's great. (no affiliation) This might teach you some tricks for using the 6010, and 7018 that could help speed you up some too.....

Just a thought

Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-12-2008 17:29
Flange Jockey & KIX are right on. Use some 3/8" plate to practice on. If you have access to a line burner, do a 37 1/2 degree bevel on each piece with about 1/8 land to get started. You can start with small pieces & work up to longer lengths. Just gap it with a 1/8 (or whatever size you prefer) TIG rod & tack it up. Just burn & learn. Get the root down, that's the hardest part. Start in a 1 or 2 G pos & get to where you can burn a good clean root in with a nice keyhole, you'll hear it RRRIIIIIPPPPPPPPPP!

Then, you can progress to 3,4 G pos. as your skill improves. After you get the plates down, you can progress to pipe. Doing plate to start makes a lot more sense. Less waste & you can get a feel for a short root pass before tacking a piece of 10" sch 80 up, just to shrink your gap, or do a bad root & have to start all over. That's how I learned open root anyways. Good luck. S.W.

"I AM your father..." (Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker, Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars.)
Parent - - By Jason776 Date 06-12-2008 19:02
Thanks for all the info so far. Im not to familiar with some of the terms yall use. I know what  gap means and im assuming land means the sides of the metal to be welded that are cleaned off?
But what does positions 1g-6g mean ? 

Im Trying to learn this from the ground up with no Exp

Ive taken the time to learn what rod numbers mean and a few key terms but other than that im in the dark.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-12-2008 19:12
1G = grooved plate welded in the flat position.
2G = grooved plate welded in the Horizantal position.
3G = grooved plate welded in the vertical position.
4G = grooved plate welded in the overhead position.
5G = pipe welded while it is layin on a horizantal axis not rotated, or in other words, like it was layin long ways on the ground.
6G = pipe lying on a 45 deg axis not rotated, or like it was sticking out of the ground at a 45 deg angle.

You can weld pipe in the 1G position if you rotate it and weld it from the top.   If you change all those G's to F's then it all the same except your welding fillet welds now. You smellin what I'm cookin?
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-12-2008 19:18
I CAN smell what you're cooking!! :-) S.W.

"The dishes are done, dude!" (Don't tell mom, the babysitter's dead.)
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 06-12-2008 20:16
I got one for ya Steve.  Where'sssss myyyyyyyy twoooooo dollars?  what movie?
Parent - - By Jason776 Date 06-12-2008 20:32
Do you have any pictures of the  1-6G it would help
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-12-2008 20:46
Here you go.

Attachment: wc473.pdf (382k)
Attachment: wc474.pdf (438k)
Parent - - By flange jockey (*) Date 06-21-2008 20:45
jason this is 2g  5g and 6g f/j
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 06-21-2008 21:56
very nice I never could run stringers worth a darn with stick I guess it's all take lots and lots of practice
Parent - - By banshee35 (**) Date 06-22-2008 00:46
just get comfortable, get ya a prop, sometimes i use some vise grips with the chain and clamp them to the pipe for a prop. works great
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 06-22-2008 03:39
yeah that was the main problem I really wasn't propped up good but no I still suck at it lol someone said to me once on here to do a very little weave which if I ever get some pipe I'll have to give it a try, running the root was always easier for me then to do any kinda fill or cap I know it's wierd but even for my tig when I weld pipe it's the same I can do the root easier then I can the cap. The chain and visegrip I'll have to remember. Thanks
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-22-2008 20:13
I hope those don't have to be painted, it probably wont stick.


Good looking welds
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-12-2008 20:37
Better Off Dead. I admit, I looked it up. I thought I knew, but couldn't remember! Totally cheated that one! Try me again some time, maybe I'll actually know. I can say more than I can remember...Is that a good thing?? Good one! Here's one for you.....

"Don't close your eyes.....Don't close your eyes....Don't sing your last lullaby." (Don't Close Your Eyes, KIXX, Blow My Fuse LP) :-) S.W.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-22-2008 20:11
In addition to the description of positions already given let me ad some things that I hope don't confuse anyone.

The positions that one tests in for groove welds is 1G,2G,3G,4,5G, and 6G. Each of these designations refers to a range allowed when taking a test.

In production, one welds in either the flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead position.

Here is a page I did a while back. My website has been having problems so it may not work.

Also, in reference to the pipe welding here is something I posted on another forum earlier that may be of help.

Don't underestimate the advantages that can be gained by the angle that the electrode is put in the stinger. Experiment with the position that allows you to travel the farthest with the least amount of effort.

Another KEY point I try to stress when I get the opportunity to teach somone is to "Start in a bind, and finish comfortable". When you start on the bottom of the pipe, be aware of what position you will be in after you travel an inch or two.

Keep your lenses clean and if you are struggling trying to see, take a look at how your lense is in relation to your eyes. You should be able to look straight out of your lens without moving your eyes.

The rest of the thread and other information on the forum may be of use too.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Tips on learning how to pipe weld

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