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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / WQT
- - By Ariel D C (**) Date 10-28-2005 07:46
Could you please share your interpretation on this:-

AWS D1.1 2004 Clause refers.

It states...4in dia or larger shall be RT examined for a min one-half of the weld perimeter selected to include a sample of all positions welded.

Let say we 100% RTd the 6in dia pipe welded by one welder and the RT results showed one half of the pipe (Top centerline to bottom centerline) to be satisfactory and the other half (Top centerline to bottom centerline) showed unsatisfactory results.

Can the WQT be considered acceptable based on the one half that is satisfactory?
Parent - By QCCWI (***) Date 10-28-2005 12:58
AWS D1.1 states that only one half at a minimum has to be RTed. If your company decided to RT 100% of the pipe, they chose to meet and exceed the code.It would have been cheaper to just RT one half instead of 100%.If the pipe was RTed by code you had a 50/50 change of not having this problem.

I do not know what side the welder welded first.Did he/she weld the unsatisfactory weld first then welded the side with satisfactory results.Or was it the other way around(the good weld then the bad weld).
I would still fail it either way because I know to much to pass it.

If I give a welder a 2G test on 1" plate. I UT it before I cut it and bend it.I know where the 2 places that I have to cut out and bend are located.If those 2 places pass UT but the weld has a defect that would fail it per UT,I never cut it and bend it.

If you pass the welder of the pipe and I pass the welder of the plate,are we doing ourselves any good. If the pipe and plate welds were in production they both would have failed, which will cut into the profit.I want the welder to pass the WQT and I want it to pass as if it was in production.That saves me a couple of headaches down the road.
Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 10-28-2005 16:17
If you ordered a pressure vessel that required spot radiography, and the fabricator kept taking x-ray shots and threw out the bad and kept the good, until he satisfied the requirements for number of acceptable radiographs...would you put it next to your office?
Parent - - By QCCWI (***) Date 10-28-2005 17:47
Bill, your reply was better than mine.
Parent - By Ariel D C (**) Date 10-29-2005 15:06
Thank you guys
Parent - - By johnweld Date 06-30-2008 05:29
hi, good day to all  welders i am from phlippines please can anybody here to help what about right meaning of AWS D1.1  AND aws D1.2
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-30-2008 14:09
AWS D1.1-Structural welding code pertaining to carbon steel

AWS D1.2- Structural welding cod pertaining to aluminum

Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 06-30-2008 18:28

I gotta ask,

Why did you grab a thread from 3-years ago in 2005 ..and add a totally non-related question?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-30-2008 18:38
Now that's "searching" the Forum for you.

That being said, I tried to search the Forum for some of our posts from months past and could only go back 3 months. I want to know how Johnweld managed to go back three years!

Good show!

Best regards - Al
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-30-2008 19:12
Gotta say that his search skills are way better than his verbal skills. :-)

I am not sure if I answered his question or not.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / WQT

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