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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / wanted: ol' DC-capable arc welder, in north FL or so GA USA
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Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-30-2008 17:59
Some good therapy may help too! You got WAAY too much time on your hands, buddy!
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 06-30-2008 18:17
Anne Chen along comes Dave.
Mr. Dave, Im sorry, your post did look suspious.Attacking one of our regular posters is surely not gonna help you find a machine, personal use or otherwise. Try to have a good day, though! :) Good Lord...
Must say it made for excellent reading!
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-30-2008 19:31
Priceless! Just Priceless!! :-) BRWWWHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S.W.
Parent - - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 06-30-2008 18:34
With your previous posts and attacks on, (Not just Steve), but what appeared to be an all out reprisal aimed at ALL who frequent this fine Forum, You are not helping your cause. A Man of Your age should know that when entering in to an AWS online forum, You will encounter Professionals. You Sir, do not strike me as a man who has the slightest idea of what it means to think before you speak. Be a Professional.
Respectfully, Jeffrey S. Grady Sr.  
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 06-30-2008 19:18 Edited 06-30-2008 19:34
Well said Jeffrey!!

All that out of "left field" weirdness, filthy inferences,  and personal attacks is not neccessary. This is a place for adults, one should behave as such. Have a little class, SIR.

Thank You,

(EDIT: * and i'm not talking to Steve Webber either, just for clarification)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-30-2008 19:20
I agree Jenn.
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-30-2008 21:11
John...We got us a CERTIFIED froot loop here. I can keep this up forever, at least until you guys doing the moderation shut him up. :-) S.W.
Parent - - By dave_welder Date 06-30-2008 19:46

>>Boy, I still bet it took a while to type all that. :-)

<snip-2 para of self-promo>

>>...telling me how terrible of a person I was & how little I knew about the machinery business in general for doing so."

citation, please? never said any such thing, or anthing remotely LIKE it. again, steve, you're "reading invisible things into things" that aren't really there.

meanwhile (just for fun, though :-) I'm still looking for a welder...

>>You need to understand that Myself, as well as all the other full time members of this site ( Many, who
>>came to my defense) see a great deal of individuals come on this site to sell, peddle or advertise items & >>services, with no real interest in the forum or organization itself.

I'm as interested as you are, steve. bit overly dramatic, maybe? OK, fine :-)

<snipped here -1.5 para self promo>

>>No one is really getting anywhere with that though, are they?

well, some of us are putting extra wear on our keyboards... :-)

>> Again, my sincerest apologies for coming across the wrong way, being the circumstances.

thank you steve. like I said earlier, you're probably a pretty good welder fixer/reseller under the circumstances.

>>There's nothing wrong with fixing some stuff up, turning it for a profit. Nothing at all. It's the guys that
>>cleverly do it under the radar, putting their permanent "garage sale" signs out, every single weekend,
>>making a handsome side profit & not carrying insurance, license or paying taxes every time they make a
>>sale like I do.

the stuff I'm selling (or wanting to, possibly trade) is part of a lifetime of tool collecting, upgrading, and rotataing in and out. now, that may or may *not* exactly "fit in" with your rigidly-defined set of "rightness rules" for what constitutes "fair use" of ones rented 1500 sq foot shop, and the attendant expenses, but, I'm not sure what to tell ya on that. other than, it's our lives, and I think those of us here (on earth, meaning: toolusers, generally) who happen to sell a tool every now and then don't have to answer to a self-proclaimed higher authority, regardless of what same self-ordained authority might "think" is good, or righteous. and the clincher: some of those (us) folks, I'm sure, are the very -same- folks BUYING your welders. you gonna go ahead and "rain on their parades" and besmirch what their (possible) motives, too, steve, when they sell that welder they got from YOU a year or so later? ...didn't think so

some of us (I'm sure I'm not the only one) buy machines, or tools, use them for a while (that 'while' varying in term length: could be weeks, could be decades), and then may HAVE to try to resell them when their purposes are over. and, yeah, I *might* buy a welder, have a heart attack, and TRY to sell it next week, maybe even here. by the pre-conceived 'set of rules' you seem fond of waving the flag about, though, that'd be non-kosher, totally unacceptable, and you might start rattling on about "what somebodys hidden motives are" or "how their e-mail address is strange" or some other bizarre stuff. UNLESS they also "asked your forgiveness" for posting it so soon, or also put in the post "heart attack-MUST SELL-sacrifice sale" column, or something. not at all clear why you feel you're "standing on the moral high ground", gotta tell ya. gets a bit tiring.

the way you live your life is NO more "noble" than mine, steve, ongoing self-promotion to the contrary. I've seen an awful lot of "holier than thou" types come and go in my day, and I find them, generally, suspect. they tend to rub me the wrong way. 

>>Once again, I have not, and am not, accusing you of being that kind of individual. I just call it like I see it,
>>if it looks to be the case though. Peace out, Dave. No hard feelings here. Hope you feel the same.
>>Respectfully, Steve Webber.

I do feel the same, of course, steve, yeah, no hard feelings. peace rings triumphantly throughout the land :-)

Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 06-30-2008 20:52
Dave, I now fully understand you do not buy and sell equipment. Given your nature, it has become obvious that you, sir, are apparently a lawyer!
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-30-2008 21:08
Now, you're just making an ass of yourself. I keep playing you like a ten cent fiddle & you keep eating it up. Go get a life GET OFF THE METH & grow up. The more you say, the more you go ranting on, the bigger of a fool you look like to everyone who is watching. I can keep this up for a lifetime. :-)

Your move, pal........
Parent - - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 07-01-2008 03:38
i don't think this man has another move left. CHECK MATE!!! He is seriously out classed and out numbered. His bridges were all burned in just one day.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-01-2008 04:17
If Hank's out there....... It was a Los Angeles class submarine against a tin rowboat. "I sunk your battleship" SUCKKA!!!!!!!

He deserves everything he got. I will be glad to hand him his ass again tomorrow, if he wants to play, that is.........

Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 07-01-2008 11:12
oh my god this crap is still going on??
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-01-2008 12:00
I think our pal is done. Man, this was better than baiting a scammer. That's something I would love to try. S.W.
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-01-2008 11:45
*golf clap*

Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-01-2008 12:04
I played ten under par for that course. :-) Nine Iron, 200 yards. All that & I wasn't even drunk. S.W.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-01-2008 15:24
I'm looking for some high CFM squirrel cage blowers for a forced air furnace I need to finish. happen to have any?

There is a famous internet meme about arguing on the internet I think it applies here...
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / wanted: ol' DC-capable arc welder, in north FL or so GA USA
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