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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / To The Powers That Be:
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-21-2008 02:40
To Whom it may concern,
    Can we please have the ability to remove our reply notifications manualy(sp) rather than automaticly(sp) this would allow us to ponder our response and not loose track of our places in the order of things. :-) '-)

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-21-2008 03:38
I second the motion
Parent - By lonestarwelder7 (**) Date 06-22-2008 03:00
Same  here.
Parent - - By rlitman (***) Date 06-22-2008 13:16
I agree.  Wasn't it like that in the past?
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 06-22-2008 17:59
yes it was, it just changed a few weeks ago, they should at least give us the option to choose!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-23-2008 02:59
If You "Open in a new window" the notice stays up. If You just click on it the notice goes away, or so it seems to Me. Comments?
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-23-2008 04:28
i thought about that, but dont have any notices to try it!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-24-2008 04:16
You should now :-)
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-24-2008 04:32
I right clicked on it, opened in a new tab and then closed all windows. when i came back, i still had you up on notifications 1 time. BUT it was to another thread! so I came to the realization that it dont work, or you are seriously screwing with me! :)
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-24-2008 04:35
It seems to work on My computer, not pulling one on You. I Open in a new window, not a new tab. I am using Windows XP pro.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-24-2008 04:42
Im using XP media edition. have you closed all windows and logged back on? when i do they are gone!
edit:I'll try the window next time, not the tab
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-25-2008 05:45
   I don't know about closing all windows, logging off and then back on, I only use the 'puter once a day usually, and only check the forum late at night.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 06-24-2008 12:06
tried the new window thing, instead of opening a new tab, even at work vs home. still does not work!
Have XP pro at work
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 07-02-2008 18:18
Since my other post seems to have  gone away in last night's reset, I'll piggyback here instead.

What happened to the to-do list?  I was using that to flag posts I wanted to refer back to.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-02-2008 18:45
I'll have to wait for ross to chime in and give us a report...I dunno exactly what happened and all I can do is speculate at this point.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-02-2008 19:01
Yeah, I do not know what happened. Usually we get a pretty quick answer, but this one appears to have slipped through the crack somehow.

Or he may just be super busy with more pressing issues at the moment. :-)

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 07-02-2008 21:24
Sorry all. I was traveling when the forum database crashed, and I guess they restored from a backup to get it running again. Thanks to sbcmweb for emailing me so I could get the hosting company to fix things last night.  Looks like we lost some posts and people were not able to log on for awhile. Everything working OK or do we need to restore from an older backup?

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 00:20
  Could you please address the post notification issue?

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 07-03-2008 16:54 Edited 07-03-2008 16:56
I don't have any control over the way this changed in the latest version of the forum software. Sorry.

You can bookmark the post in a folder on your browser and go back to it later.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 17:07
Thanks anyways. :-)

Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 07-03-2008 17:09
What about the to-do list?  Have I lost all that information??  Why would they do that to us without warning?

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 07-03-2008 17:17
Sorry they did that. The forum developer has his own forum and they have a topic called "Features to get rid of" or something, and the various forum admins (not me!!!) suggest features they think are not used, and the developer removes them from time to time so the program doesn't blog down with bloatedness.  Then everybody goes back and complains that their users (unbeknownst to them) really needed the removed features, and they put them back in (or not) in a later version.

We are just pawns in the process.

Parent - By HgTX (***) Date 07-03-2008 17:31
So is all my data just GONE?  I had over a year of special posts marked that way.
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 07-03-2008 17:32
How hard is it to ask the damn users themselves whether they're using a particular feature?  Jeez.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 19:25
Is this forum for us? :-)
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 07-03-2008 19:52
I'm just the bartender. You need to blame Budweiser.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 20:01
LOL. Ross, I blame no one. I am just having fun now. It appears that it is what it is, and that is it.

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 18:42 Edited 07-03-2008 18:44
ng3 to kf5, qf1 to kf5, pe4 to kf5, ra5 to kf5. This is what those people are doing to us.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 19:31
Seems simple enough, just reverse it and we get the to do list and normal post notification back. LOL :-)

kf5 to ra5, kf5 to pe4, kf5 to qf1, kf5 to ng3.,tab...shift control f13, backspace, control alt. delete, page up twice then page down three times, hit any key, enter, enter.......

Why is this not working? Oh crap, caps lock was off, now I have to start all over. AW Forget it!! :-)

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 19:54
LOL, maybe I should elaborate. "ng3 to kf5, qf1 to kf5, pe4 to kf5, ra5 to kf5"
Knight from g3 to king @ f5
queen from f1 to king @ f5
pawn from e4 to king @ f5
Rook from a5 to king @ f5.

The king is screwed, as are we for the old post, checkmate.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-03-2008 20:03
LMAO!!!  Thanks for elaborating.

Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-03-2008 19:46
as a former forum admin I'm curious as to what forum software this is? We used VBulletin and one other one that I can't think of now for awhile, but alas I sold that website a few years back. I was a big fan of Vbulletin, been awhile since I've used a cascading forum where people reply to specific posts like they do here or on the japanese forums
Parent - By ross (***) Date 07-03-2008 19:52
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 07-07-2008 21:13
So what's the word?  Are our lists just plain gone?  Can they recover the data from back up files?  If not, who can we complain to?  I'm serious.  The usefulness of this site as an archive of information just went way the hell down because I lost the ability to archive it to my own priorities, not to mention the loss of data that I could have recorded elsewhere in another form if we'd had ANY FREAKING WARNING WHATSOEVER.

Like, WTF?

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 07-07-2008 21:31

You can complain to me, but the situation is that the developer of the forum software discontinued the "To Do" feature, probably never considered that anyone would be using the feature in the unique way you used it, and there is no way to restore it.  So my greatest apologies, but no one anticipated your problem. 

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 07-07-2008 21:36
I'm not looking to meaninglessly whine to someone who had nothing to do with the decision; I already did that.  I'm looking for someone who actually DID have something to do with the decision.

Or someone who knew about the decision but failed to warn us about it.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-08-2008 01:37
It is what it is. It is not our forum to run. We just use it.

jrw159 :-)
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