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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / can you tig weld steel with just ac high frequency
- - By master6789338 Date 07-10-2008 12:59 Edited 07-10-2008 15:10
can you tig weld steel with just an ac welder and the welder also has high frequency?
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 07-10-2008 13:14
No.  Not in my experience.  Hi freq is high voltage low amperage. It also has skin effect and stays on the outside of the conductor.
Parent - - By master6789338 Date 07-10-2008 15:13
I didn't word my question correctly .lol  
can you tig weld steel with just an ac welder and the welder also has high frequency?

Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-10-2008 15:57
only one way to find out... :)
I believe sometime in my training like all beginners my machine was set wrong and I continued to weld not knowing the difference.
first things first you will need an electrode one size larger than you would normally use, and you'll probably have issues with the electrode balling due to the higher heat in the electrode similar to welding aluminum obviously. but I imagine you it could work on thin gauage material.

perhaps there are metallurgical issues I'm unaware of but I could see it working albiet not ideal.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 07-10-2008 17:15 Edited 07-10-2008 17:18
If I am understanding you question the answer would be yes providing you have a GTAW torch and Argon gas w/regulator.

The power source for SMAW & GTAW are the same. If the machine does not have a pin connection for a remote you can still work you just need a on/off switch on the torch, you will just need to have some one near to help tune in your heat do a lot of starting and stoping to set you Amps. 

Also unless the machine has a switch between Start only / Constant for the high freg you will need to scratch start.
Parent - By rlitman (***) Date 07-10-2008 18:29
Sure, if the HF is continuously on.  The results will not be as pretty as with DC, and you will need to size your tungsten larger because of the AC, but it will work.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / can you tig weld steel with just ac high frequency

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