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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Child abuse or another state income?
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-16-2008 19:01
How do you all feel about this......?
A woman and a young child (not sure of the age but clearly not old enough to know not to run into the street during a parade) were on the side walk and the child darted out into the street the parent who I feel was rightfully angry scooped up the child and gave her slap (from what I understand just 1 slap). A few moments latter a policeman went over to her and proceeded to write her a ticket.
This is crazy if you ask me, since when has a monetary value been placed on "child abuse" and I use child abuse very loosely as im a firm believer in spare the rod spoil the child. The issue of true child abuse has been lost in this world, and who determines the "fine" 1 slap $100 and $50 for each additional slap? To me the state of MA is run by retards who can't think their way out of a wet paper bag.
A father @ market basket turned a corner where his son was or had just went down and found that some creep was in the process of trying to molest him, so the father hit the man (hit him once but hit him real good being a marine and martial arts expert) the father was place under arrest, and from what I hear the creep still works at the store.
Martha Coakely  Massachusetts Attorney General didn't even know about the case when she was on a talk show and confronted about the situation. when asked if the father should have done nothing and called 911 wile the child was being molested, she began fumbling her words for quite some time then comes out with well how old was the child, and We discourage people from helping themselves in these situations...........this state is SICK SICK SICK!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-16-2008 19:35
To hell with the law. Anyone messing with my son had better count their fortunes if they don't leave the place covered in a sheet.
Can you post me a link to that story?
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-16-2008 19:39
I would gladly pay the penalties for commiting either one of these "crimes". Should they be considered illegal?? NO!!! Smacking your kid's hand, and beating them are two different things. But you didn't see it, so maybe she did go overboard.... I have seen a woman going to town on her kid in Walmart before terribly, and it wasn't right.

I know the only court I really care about is the man upstairs, and my conscience. I have however been lucky enough not to be in any court of any kind, besides traffic, thankfully my conscience has kept my nose clean on the law's courts too. But if I had kids and someone touched them, I'm not sure it would stay that way.

It starts with the nin-com-poop cops enforcing these laws, and the judges and prosecutors. The guy however, has every right to hit the man to get him off of his child, no questions asked. In my opinion. For whatever that's worth.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-16-2008 20:05
I can't speak for other kids or parents, but speaking for myself, my father was second quickest on the block getting his belt off and it didn't matter where we were, it was pants down, right down to bare cheeks and a welting to follow. 

For me, it was a powerful deterent to NOT misbehave and as far as I know, I haven't suffered mentally or emotionally from those whippings... by the way, there was only a single one I feel like I didn't deserve...

I am not a parent or a psychologist but to me, it seems legality is promoting the criminals of tomorrow... "time out's" just doesn't seem an adequate deterent to establish right from wrong... everytime I turn around it seems America's system of justice is up-side down... thank an attorney today!
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-16-2008 20:12
I say that lady wasn't right because she was swinging the little kid around in the air by one arm and beating him like a tetherball, it was not the way to punish a child. It was random, and he really did not do anything to deserve it. She was a whacko. Had he done something really wrong, and it been a good over the knee belt lashing, after an explaining what he had done, maybe so.... this wasnt' that sort of thing...

I got plenty of well deserved whippings too, and I am fine myself.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-16-2008 21:43
Good description Jenn...."beating him like a teatherball".  LOL.... I remember those.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 07-17-2008 14:09 Edited 07-17-2008 14:12
I never got spanked and I turned out just fine.  When I needed to be disciplined, my parents just took me for a car ride and we talked.  That talk always immediately stopped me from misbehaving.  I've included a photo if anyone's interested in this method of discipline. 
Attachment: ChildDiscipline.jpg (0B)
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-17-2008 14:17

Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 07-17-2008 15:10
YEAH!! :)
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-17-2008 16:03
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-17-2008 16:15
Good luck with the system doing anything sensible. You could catch a psycho cutting your wife up, kill him & go to prison for it. The law is a funny thing & I've commented on it many times before here. It never takes circumstance into account. Every action is a separate case & treated as such. A man breaks into your home & falls down. When he sues you for falling in your home, the fact he broke in your home will not be admissible in court. The jury will have to decide only upon what carefully tailored & crafted information they have been hand fed by lawyers. Why do you think the lawyers get to literally hand pick the jury? They certainly wouldn't want anyone who can think for themselves. Not to say jurors are stupid, not at all. But, the lawyers trying the case want every advantage they can get.

You just have to weigh the cost of every action you make. Weigh the cost. Decide whether or not it is worth it. The judicial system is going to punish you for doing the right thing. Justice truly is blind. Mostly ignorant as well. When we have to ask ourselves "Are they going to get it right this time?" We really need to take a look at all the reasons they may not. S.W.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-17-2008 20:42
I would rather be judged by 12 than buried by 6.
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-17-2008 22:41
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Child abuse or another state income?

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