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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / next generation of fighter jet
- - By hogan (****) Date 07-17-2008 19:54
This is a video from an air show at Langley AFB. The F22 is amazing. This video is a bit big, 13meg and just under 5 minutes. The last two minutes are the best. It can do a vertical 360 in about 11 sec. and if this is what they are showing us it can do, imagine what they are not showing us.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-17-2008 20:33
THAT, my friend, is impressive!!

What a rush it must be as well. :-)


Taking a page from Steve's book,

"When I get high, I get high on speed. A top fuel funny cars the drug for me!"
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 07-17-2008 21:05
An associate of mine is on the R&D team that developed and manufactures the cooler/heat exchanger for the HUD in this aircraft. VERY impressive design and propriatery material!
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 07-17-2008 22:51
Yow-ee! I need to see that thing in person! I've had the chance to see the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds more than once and a few single plane demos like the A-10 and the F-15, but none of them looked as impressive as that raptor...
Anyone know where I can find out about air shows their going to fly it at??? They don't have air shows around where I am anymore... too expensive and they built some houses too close to the base and ruined some kind of exclusion zone (???) so that jets like the raptor and the T-Birds can't fly here anymore :*(
Where do you find this stuff Hogan???
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 07-24-2008 16:25
Come on out to the EAA air venture show in Oshkosh Wisconsin.  Their will be 2 F22 raptors putting on a show for everyone there.  I think it is this month or next month some time.
Parent - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 07-25-2008 15:46
If i wasnt in the process of hunting for a new job id have a plane ticket in my hand...
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-18-2008 12:18
Awesome!!!!!!! I'd kill to take a ride in one of those!!! I don't do drugs, I don't drink, but I love to get in a plane, and I love to GO FAST! :)

It's unbelievable what that thing can do. Truly amazing.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-18-2008 14:20
  So I guess you can relate to my "high" then!

Nothing better than watching the needle pass 110 mph and knowing there is still some left. :-)


I would kill for a ride in that jet as well.

Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 07-18-2008 14:52
Flying is not for me.  Not a lot of people know this, but if Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of 59, it would have changed the history of aviation, and music.  I personally do not like to fly.  It's not that I think that flying is dangerous, because I know it's not.  It's the crashing part that's dangerous.  I've only flown twice.  The first time, I went up to the counter at the airport and told the agent that I wanted to purchase a round trip ticket, and she asked me, where to?  These agents are so stupid.  I want a round ticket back here, lady.  Why in the hell would I want a round ticket back to somewhere else? Then she mentioned something about pre-boarding.  Are you trying to tell me that I have to board the plane before I board the plane? After we got that mess straightened out, she gave me my boarding pass and flight number.  When I checked, none of the numbers on any of the planes matched my flight number.  After much frustration, I finally boarded the plane, and I fell asleep.  I dreamed that I was back inside the airport, and I noticed that all the insurance machines in the terminal were sold out.  The agent I went to wasn't selling tickets, she was selling chances.  As people boarded the plane, they were being asked to chip in for a little gas.  Just before takeoff, I heard the automatic co-pilot yelling at the ground crew to get those damn cows off the runway.  Then, a flight attendant announced, everyone remain seated and please fasten your velcro.  As I looked out the window and saw the ground crew pull the steps away, the plane started rocking.  As the plane took off, the soothing, reassuring voice of the pilot said; Ladies and gentlemen, this is your automatic pilot.  In my modern and carefully tested system, an error is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible. 
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-18-2008 15:30
Yes I can! My brother drag races motorcycles. One of my best friends drag races cars at the local track, and I spend many many days helping him work on his car, it's sort of my hobby. I get to ride on test runs allot in it :) If only I could get my jeep to go that fast, lol. It goes pretty good with a 302 V8 in it, but I'd like to put something bigger in it when I can afford to. Have my jacked up jeep hauling butt, now that would be GREAT - hee hee. (I know, I'm such a guy at heart) That's one of the things my first welding job will pay for, a good new engine for my jeep, or some massive overhauling. Maybe a nice bike in the future.

Flying is definitely the SAFER way to go fast though :)
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-18-2008 15:41
  I like you more and more each day!!!!! :-)

Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 07-20-2008 13:03
Hey hogan,
That video shows the realm of flight that man continually pursues and the innovations that make the US the "birthing" arena of most of aviations' technology advances. I got my pilots' license in '63, at the age of 19, and never lost the passion of flight. Even now, going on 65, I still have that passion and fly every chance I get. Since my retirement is only a partial, and I still work a few days a week at my employer, next year I will be dedicating a lot more time to finish a mini-warbird kit(Spitfire) with the help of my friend. The Spitfire is my favorite and I have had the opportunity to fly several warbirds in my earlier years. Even those old prop swingers can give you a major rush. I did get a flight in a F106 trainer and never forgot the intensity of that speed our "jet-jocks" have on every flight. Our pilots are the utmost skilled and dedicated to preserve our freedoms when they climb into the cockpit and pray to climb out after every mission. Yes, you are correct....the civilian population will never see the absolute and awesome capabilities of our air defenses.
Flight is the "ultimate" rush......   Denny
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 07-24-2008 17:15
I've always wanted to learn to fly but never had the time or money to dedicate to it yet.  I'm planning on starting to fly some ultralights when I collect the money, I'm gonna start with Powered Paragliders as those are very fun, cheap and safe.  My brother is a Helicopter flight instructor and whenever I get a chane I play my roll as ballast in the backseat.

as far as the F22 from what I hear it seams fighter jets are having a diminishing roll in the future of major combat. Air to Air combat is almost unheard of now and with the advances of over the horizon missile technology etc dog fights are long dead.  This plane definately firmly plants fighter superiority into american hands but it seems it increasingly is becoming a very expensive plane with a very narrow operating roll in modern combat.

I hear the problem with  modern planes is that the human is the weakest link, thrust vectoring etc mean the plane can pull more G's than a human can withstand.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / next generation of fighter jet

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