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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help a lady in distress, what welding machine is this?
- - By texansays Date 07-18-2008 17:41 Edited 07-18-2008 17:43
Please help me understand more about this thingamabob

The plate gives this info:
SA-200 F-163
Code R7214
Serial A95A759

Under the door the engine has "Red Seal" and the number is F401A-602

Any idea what year this is?
Is there a meter that shows how many hours are on it and if so ... where is the meter, I can't find it!!
How can I post a picture of it?

edited to add - Oh, I forgot to mention it is a Lincoln welder and I know its definately older than a 1980, I just don't know HOW old.

thanks in advance
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:01 Edited 07-18-2008 18:11
Is that a typo the letter A after the 5? If so and the number is A95759, acording to Kayes chart it is a 1942. If you wrote A instead of number and there is 6 numbers it is a 1981. Can you describe it a little more? Or you might go to they have an age chart with some pics of a 42. Also you can call Kaye and she can tell you what it is if you describe it. Hope this helps.
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:08
Is this machine going to be for sale or are you just doing research? If it is for sale - how much you looking to get? Where are you located?
   BTW snuff, if it has a F-163 it is for sure newer than 1942. My money is on 1982...
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:13
Your right dummie me didnt catch that. I just heard women welder in trouble and wasnt thinking I gues. :-)
Parent - - By texansays Date 07-18-2008 18:14
Oops yes a typo, sorry

It is Serial: A 954759
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:16
If you will go to the web site I spoke of a few post up, you can see the chart that I am looking at. It states that it is an 81.
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:19
Pics would help though. It could be a machine were someone put several together, I dont no can you give description? You might do a search in for sale section see if anything looks similiar.
Parent - - By texansays Date 07-18-2008 18:23
snuffman, I didn't see the post or website but believe you are right.  I have a pic of me holding my baby with the welder in the background - turns out it was my second child not my first so the dates definately match up.

hugs and thanks!!!!!!!
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:26
No prob. any time sis. :-)
Parent - - By texansays Date 07-18-2008 18:20
you guys are so helpful!

Yes, I'm considering selling it ... my hubby is in a shop running MIG and TIG so he doesn't have much need for a field welder anymore.
Of course when I asked him for details on what type/year etc it was, I got grunts for answers!  I did hear something about copper then more grunts as he wandered off to go fishing  lol  :D
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:22
Where abouts are you located? How much you think you want?
Parent - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:39
Hey , I asked first! ... I'm tellin' !!
Parent - - By texansays Date 07-18-2008 18:41
I'm in South Central Texas near San Antonio

as for price, thats a good question, I'm not really sure.
My hubby said it was the best welder he'd ever used but although it continued to start and purr like a kitten, it quit welding or arking or something.
He thought maybe it was something in the (forgive me for not knowing proper terms) windings / bindings ??
He was going to fix it but never got around to it since being shop bound.
I think I'd have drag more details out of him to give a better description of running condition.

I do have pictures of it but don't know how to post them in here
Attachment: welder_01.JPG (229k)
Attachment: welder_02.JPG (154k)
Attachment: welder_03.JPG (198k)
Attachment: welder_04.JPG (208k)
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 18:56
If you were a little closer I would come try and help, but Im in weatherford. I no if you can get some more info out of him or have him call Kaye at Bills Welder Repair in OK city, Ok she could pro bably diagnose it. As fars as posting pics when you add a topic it has a place to add pics if you have them on your computer. Hope this helps.
Parent - - By texansays Date 07-18-2008 19:26
Wow, I figured the 'attach picture' thing out, thanks!

Hubby had it diagnosed about 4 years ago I just can't recall the exact part name they said needed fixed.
The cost was going to be $400-$500 (we women DO remember prices lol)

To me it looks like it needs some serious scrubbing to boot!

Hubby told me I could sell it but not to a junk man because they'd just rip it apart for copper, I think he wants someone that'll take it back to proper usage ya'know?

Anyway, thank you both for all your help, at least I know it's either a 1981 or 1982.

hugs n thanks
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 19:34
Ask him what he would want for I would imagine someone here would be interested. I would get as much info from him as I could the more you can tell about it will help sale it.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-21-2008 06:39
how much i'm 35 miles south of san antonio
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help a lady in distress, what welding machine is this?

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