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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / planet x
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-23-2008 18:11
Does anyone think this is real, and on its wat through our system?
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-23-2008 18:23
I think the probabability that anyone knows for sure what is out there is next to 0. Current science is based on current and many assumptions. 'ass'u'me'tions have a nasty habit of being proved wrong.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 07-23-2008 19:23
I find it hard to believe. The Sumerians were sharp, and a lot of the information that they left on Nibiru is just now being proved plausible, but I would think there would be more info on it from antiquity. From what I have read it is suppose to have a 3600 year orbit. Most likely it is based on some incident. I would put this in the same category as the Mayan December 12 2012 end of the world. Something will happen that day, just not the end of the world. They were great astronomers and on this date every 25,000 years or so the earth will cross the equator of the galaxy. I don't remember the proper terminology but that is the best way I can describe / remember it.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-23-2008 19:51
Also see Immanuel Velikovsky.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-24-2008 14:02
I have read the 6 books of Zachariah stitchen (12th planet) it's a very interesting read and I do think that we have underestimated the intelligence of the sumarians Egyptians and all of the people from antiquity. After reading these books I could not dismiss the in you face "coincidents" about the knowledge they had, knowledge that we have just recently discovered.
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-24-2008 14:15
Wikipedia says not really, just a broad term now used for any unknown planet, and really they sort of even discounted pluto and made it a "dwarf planet". Planet X was more so a theory because of disturbances in the orbits of the more gaseous planets, which were later chalked up to overestimation of Neptune's mass, somehow disturbing Uranus' orbit, or "observational errors". (?) You would think it would be that an UNDERESTIMATION would do so but whatever....

Now they just use the term as a broad term for any "tenth planet" possibility.

This article was WAY more informative, and a website I may spend some more time at!!!

Discovery channel article is a little more on the positive side about it....

Of course there are plenty more weirdo and hack sites that come up, but these are interesting. Did I mention I'm bored at my desk job? lol.

Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-24-2008 14:47
The fact that ancient cultures did know of distant planets cannot be dismissed because it is written in "stone".
sumer gods are the planets of the solar system, read ENUMA ELISH THE EPIC OF CREATION substitute planet for god and youll have a very interesting read.
take it all with a grain of salt
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-24-2008 15:44
Absolutely, those ancient cultures were far beyond the resources they had available to them, it makes me very curious as to where they gained such insights from.

Never heard of this  ENUMA ELISH THE EPIC OF CREATION , I shall read them - I always like stuff like that. I've read almost every religious 'book' out there, just out of curiosity. Always interesting to see everyone's different take on how things came about, and how they think it'll end (and how similar they all are for that matter). None have persuaded me in their particular direction, I think they're all mostly the same. Take a little something good from each one, they all have great ideas.

Interesting take to sub in planet for god, big bang. Everything in life with a grain of salt, my friend... :)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-24-2008 16:10
Those ancient cultures are consistently being under rated in regards to their knowledge. Manchu Pichu drawings, Nazca lines, Bagdad battery, Skull surgery by the Egyptians that not even modern laser surgery can recreate, pyramids, astrological clocks that show detailed knowledge.. across the board, around the world, signs of ancient knowledge that should not be there according to modern "history" experts.

Consider this; If the modern world were to meet some catastrophic distaster, societies shut down in an irrecoverable manner. What would be left in 4000 years? What would the archeoligist of the time find of us? A bit of technology here, a bit of it there, or even in 10k years even worse. How long to rediscover the basic roots of technology that are currently being forgotten today?

Put in terms of welding, and just a matter of 500 years, could your future generations at the time reconstruct the circuit boards found in modern welders? how about reconstruct the coatings, filler material, wires, or cast the parts out of your SA-200? Where and how many people have this kind of knowledge documented for future generations, much less the inherent skills needed to pass along, and a willing generation to learn them?

Could just be those archeological discoverys are from a far distance civilization who lost their knowledge. Bits and pieces passed down from generation to generation until lost in time, and the rest lost in time totally until someone "discovers" it again.

Knowledge is built on knowledge, lose the root of that knowledge, and you are at risk of losing it.

food for thought,
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-24-2008 17:44
some strange things have been found all over the globe like you say circit boards, i have seen these crysltal like structures that have gold threads in them, is that all thats left of some old technology we have yet to develop.
Lost technologies do happen like when the chinese were shown a clock of some kind and when asked about it they knew nothing of its workings yet it was made by thier ancestors.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-24-2008 18:46
Funny thing about those crystals is, "modern science" has and is working on crystal matrix data storage. Wonder where they got the idea?
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-24-2008 16:27
the epic can actualy explaine some anomilies of the solar system.
In the creation epic Enuma elish, written around 2000 BCE, their descendants started to irritate (disrupt her orbit?) Tiamat (early earth)and Apsu (mars?) so they decided to kill their offspring. Ea discovered their plans and he managed to kill Apsu while the latter was asleep. Tiamat flew into a rage when she learned about Apsu's death and wanted to avenge her husband. She created an army of monstrous creatures, which was to be led by her new consort kingu (the moon), who is also her son. Eventually, Tiamat was defeated by the young god marduk, who was born in the deep freshwater sea.
Marduk cleaved her body in half, and from the upper half he created the sky and from the lower half he made the earth. From her water came forth the clouds and her tears became the source of the Tigris and the Euphratus. Kingu also perished, and from his blood Marduk created the first humans.
Now look at the earth IMO it looks like  either ½ a water planet of ½ a earth planet.
From the bible " the earth was void and without form and the spirit of god hovered over the face of the deep........
dead mars
odd moon size destroyed on the dark side with no motion....
just a thouhgt.......
the more i look at it there are some interesting things about it.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 07-24-2008 17:48
"None have persuaded me in their particular direction, I think they're all mostly the same. Take a little something good from each one, they all have great ideas."

I agree with you on this. Truth is truth. No matter who say it mickey mouse or jesus
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-24-2008 15:13
Some interesting reading to say the least......I never realized until recently how many large objects are out there. I guess it was interesting to me because Pluto lost it's staus as a Planet a few years back and when I was in school all of the Models of the Universe had Pluto listed as a planet. So then when we had to build a model for my kids in school we now have a different set of styrofoam balls hanging up in their rooms....LOL
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-25-2008 15:12
Some objects are not even noticed until it passes us, last year the wife and I were, as usual star gazing  the night was partly cloudy we were facing each other, she was looking over my head I was looking over hers, the moon was in my view, the suddenly a bright light flared up behind me. The light was much brighter than the moon and in the opposite side of the sky. I quickly turned around to see what in the world it was and caught a small glimpse of the huge bright ball in the sky, then it was gone over the horizon. I turned back and the look on my wife's face was astonishment she says "what the H*LL was that?"
The next morning she was talking to her mother, and her mother asked if she heard about the asteroid that flew by the earth last night, my wife did not hear about, but she saw it.
NO one knew it was coming but, we sure saw it go.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-25-2008 16:07
When I was a teenager, my friend and I were out riding our bicycles on the back roads in the warm Summer night air(early morning hours) and I saw a orange ball zing overhead that seemed to me to be the size of a house. It lit the whole area like it was daytime. I just knew somebody, somewhere would have seen it besides us...but not a peep, nothing in the morning paper, nothing on the evening news...nothing. It was so large that I was sure that it hit the ground without burning up completely.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 07-25-2008 16:39
Then there was the time me and four buddies were playing Nintendo @ my house, I stepped outside to have smoke and wile smoking I looked up and saw a HUGE triangle that filled the sky quietly floating over my head (so close I feel I could have hit it with a rock) it had one light in the Middle with a smaller light on each of the three corners. I ran inside and yelled Come and see this!!!!! One of my buddies came out took a few steps down the driveway looked up and said" I don't want nothing to Do with that" we went back inside and never spoke of it again.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-25-2008 17:05
I have seen meteors and meteor showers before....and this was nothing like anything that I've ever seen before, almost light a small sun streaking across the sky, it was that big and bright with a long trail of smoke. We stood there stradling our bikes just knowing it was going to hit the ground somewhere just over the next hill from us.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-24-2008 20:00
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-24-2008 22:00
AHH Yes, the classics. :-)

Love em.

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / planet x

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