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- - By LongArc (**) Date 07-25-2008 03:42
I heard WD40 on 7018 rod=prosity

firecrackers or 22 caliber blanks in a pipe during open root is another good one...bang

Any others........
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 07-25-2008 04:03
I got one, ask your helper if he/she can bend a hand full of lo-hi rods across the back of there neck, they can and all that flux will go straight down there shirt, and maybe to the crack of there butt.
Parent - - By sqiggy (**) Date 07-25-2008 04:04
Ever seen the "3 man lift"??!!
That's where one man picks up 3 men all at one time. This was real common in the early 80's on pipeline jobs. I don't know about now. But it is funny as heck, as long as your not the middle man!!!

I have also sent some "green" helpers off to the tool room for a can of arc start and sometimes for a can of "no stick"!!! They wouldn't come back for an hour or two. Sure pissed off the fitter!!!
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 07-25-2008 06:21
Ever sent a helper off for a sky hook, and a beam stretcher
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 07-25-2008 12:57
Sent one to get a muffler bearing one time,
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 07-25-2008 13:17
How about the old sharpen a bunch of stainless rod cut up to look like tungsten. lol  The look on a guys face after his tungsten burns back to the collet body is a classic.  It gets even better when they think their machine is set on reverse polarity and they go back and check it.

Decorative water cones on the top of a hardhat.  ( If you can get 2 on there, your good)

Hanging signs on the back of the harness.  ( I go nutts for cowboy butts) oldy but goody

Spotty showers indoors. lol   (Rod can full of water through the floor grating on to your buddy or enemy)

Blue line chalk in the old hand shoe.  (Can't miss someone that has had that done to them). lol

I could go on all day. ;-)
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 07-25-2008 13:40
Ahhh....The memories. :-)

Prussian blue on the foreman's phone ear piece. And on his safety glasses. Call him repeatedly.

Use an exact-o knife to pierce tiny holes in a plastic soda bottle. The leak is hard to detect & drives the drinker nuts.

A tool cutter got the handles on his machine greased once or twice a week by a machinist in the tool room.

Seen that tool cutter put a 50# sack of cat litter in the machinist's tool box. (Wouldn't recommend)

Glue tools to someone's workbench. (Had it pulled on me)

Weld someone's rolling tool box to the ceiling. (Yes, it really happened where a friend's dad worked!)

Mess with the amperage on a machine while someone's doing a root on pipe. (A REAL good way to get your ass kicked!)

Had a machinist try to send me for a part stretcher. I offered to look for it all day. :-) He said, " Shut up. Go back to work."

Just a few I've seen. S.W.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-25-2008 13:44
Never-sieze in the gloves or on the headband of a hood. 
Parent - By SCweld (*) Date 07-25-2008 14:02
Sent a helper for a file sharpener!  Supply lady said she didn't have anymore but would order some.  Still waiting!

A little liquid nitrogen in a soda bottle with a little water.  It expands until it explodes like a shotgun.  Gives you time to get away!  Inside of a vessel or pipe will scare the crap out of your buddy :-)

Giving a helper a peice of heat treated stainless to burn with OFC.  One worked on it for over an hour!
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 14:08
A black cat firecracker in the nozzle of a mig gun... ( makes a nasty mess of that pretty weld) - can we all say- Rework?-
Told a guy that was taking a test for a job in our shop that the machine he was using had a short ,and it would shock him unless he held one foot off the ground, so he would not be grounded. My foreman came by and asked what he was doing... he told him that I had told him about the short and that he didn't want to get shocked. He took about 3/4 of the 6G test that way. I got a few days off to think about my actions...
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 14:13
I took a new employee on his first day on a tour of the vessel yard. I told him to grab a chain and a sledge hammer and come with me. We walked for 20 mins. before he asked what we were doing... I told him I was looking for a good place to sh*t a wildcat and he was to chain it up and knock it in the head with the hammer. He didn't have a sense of humor... he quit right then, dropped the chain and hammer and left. I got a few days off then , too.
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 14:14
A rubber snake stuck in your buddies umbrella... it will fall on him when he opens it up. (be prepared to fight)
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-29-2008 03:05
ROFLMAO now that i would like to see what a good idea lmao
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-29-2008 03:12
I' ve been there and done that ... we fought for 5 mins. We're still best friends. We even brother-in-lawed that same job... he kept his umbrella close to him all the time. It was a GOOD laugh!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-29-2008 03:24
i'm still laughing picturing it in my head how funny wished i had seen it. are you still intrested in the 54 shorty i got the pics
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-29-2008 03:28
Yea, my e-mail is -  -  I talked to 'old school pipe' about him building me a machine on his chopped frame . Is that GEN. in the 54 good?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-29-2008 03:33
it was running and welding when i parked it the motor has a tick in it i cant find so i parted it out the generator should still be good i have not messed with nothing inside the arm. housing and it has always been under a shed until about 2 months ago when we lost the house
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-29-2008 03:39
Cool ... I'm gonna call you in the morning around 9 or 10, is that good?
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-29-2008 03:55
that'll work it'll be my alarm to get up n go to p/t and dont forget to send your helper after a cloud chain once they find the sky hook lol you can call now if ya want dont matter to me
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-29-2008 12:26
Back when I worked workover rigs we were hanging a well back on and hooking up. We ran across a HUGE bull snake. Well as luck (ours, not the pumpers) would have it, the pumper was deathly afraid of snakes. When we hung the well back on and tested for proper stroke, we then shut it down and shoved this snake inside the electrical box, which was quite large. We rigged down and drove to the top of the hill and waited. Here comes the pumper to start up the well, and when he walked up and opened the box he see's this snake and just about kills himself geting away from it. He stumbled backwards and tripped over the flow line, scrambled about ten feet on his hands and knees to his truck, jumps up and looks around only to see us up on the top of the hill ROTFLOAO. He was NOT HAPPY!! It was quite amusing until the Boss found out. We did work for that company again, but only under the strict understanding that there was to be NO horseplay, or more appropriatly, snakeplay, with this particular pumper.

Looking back I am just glad nobody got hurt, namely US. Like I said, He was MAD. :-)


Dig a strategically placed 4X4X4 hole, fill with high vis drilling mud, lightly cover with dirt and wait.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 07-25-2008 14:13
Other than some already mentioned...

Filling condoms with helium and floating them around in the shop

While he's on break, spray paint a beginners dark lense black and put it back in his hood.  When he says he can't see the arc, you try it using his hood and tell him that you don't know what the hell he's talking about.

Tack weld the shop bathroom door shut after someone goes in.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 07-25-2008 14:20
took the 240 mag unit and wrapped several coils around the boss' white truck. worked there for another year and that truck was never clean. Collected dust within minutes of washing.
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 14:25
Weld their shop box doors shut...or catch mice in the shop and put them in their tool box... or spray WD-40 on their weld while they are welding... or a sandwich bag filled with acetylene thrown into the vessel shell they are welding on... a small piece of cardboard stuck between the ground clamp and the work piece... switch out tungsten for filler wire... put a cheater lens in their hood ... I could go all day...
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 14:29 Edited 07-25-2008 14:37
A co-worker put a minnow down in the defrost vent of  a foremans' truck... he had to trade it off , the smell was too bad.
The same co-worker switched the same foremans' milk with buttermilk... also put ambusol on the rim of his coke can ... his lip went numb and he drooled for hours... jalepeno' juice in his snuff can... a live chicken snake in his lunch box... they had a love-hate relationship.
Parent - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 14:47
My all time fav., take the headgear out of their hood and super glue a XXX-toy in the bottom ... (they really don't like that) This one could be bad for your health.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 08-08-2008 17:04
Thanksgiving lunch 2007.  Pumpkin pie crust + Can of Skoal = Pissed of welder!!!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-25-2008 14:44

Pulled on me:

Tell the new guy to lay out that pipe for cut ins (24' X 18"), then fill it with acetelyne during lunch and stuff both ends with newspaper, have him cut the pipe after lunch.  ( i thought i got killed)  It was firmly clamped down folks!

Firecracker or chaser stuffed in the mig nozzle

Grease gun and gloves at lunch. {} side note: not funny, perpetrator got the wrong guy, we had to buy our own gloves BTW, he took his Harley hardtail and removed the valve from the tire and pumped it full of grease then replaced the valve.  The guy made it to the street and grabbed a handfull of throttle and went nowhere, rim just spun in the tire.  It was not me but I wish I had thought of it.

Had to clean the bathrooms when it was your turn in this shop:  When it was my turn they had the fattest guy in the shop go in and make a lot of "grunting nosies".   When I walked in there was s**T smeared all over the toilet and walls.  I told the owner "I ain't cleaning that, you can fire me first!!!!!".  They ALL were in on it, when I took the owner to show him the bathroom...he put his finger in the poo and licked it with his toungue and said "whats your problem?".   It was chocolate jello pudding smeared in a sanatized bathroom.   That was cold blooded but FUNNY.

Not really a prank but:  I knew this guy who had to wipe down all our boat hulls and parts with acetone....if someone was new to the shop, he would wear heavy rubber gloves with cotton ones over them, just be casually wiping down the boat hulls and walk by a mig welder on the job, hands would burst into flames and he would run screaming thru the shop like he was dying, run up to the new guy and sling the cotton gloves off like nothing happened and walk away.  

I pulled a few myself but most of them would cause fights unless you knew the people well so.....btw I don't think any of that is OSHA approved behavior.  LOL
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 15:02 Edited 07-25-2008 15:06
Put vasilene on their door handles... duct tape their shop box shut, two whole rolls of tape... when a guy is in a vessel welding and grinding, light a whole pack of blackcats and through them into the vessel through the manway... ( that REALLY pisses them off)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-25-2008 15:13
Pour a can of pepsi over the roll of GMAW wire.

Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 15:15
I forgot about that one... good one! Cayenne pepper in their gloves...
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-25-2008 15:43
On Miller wire feeds there is a on/off switch on the back. It is small and hard to see if it is dusty. Newbies are not usually aware of it. Turn it off and they will most likely mess with it for awhile then head for maintnance. When they leave, turn it back on. Maintnance arrives to find no problem. Repeat after ten minutes. Drives them nuts.
Parent - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-25-2008 15:49 Edited 07-25-2008 16:03
Graphite powder on their nose piece of glasses... on their gloves... headband... tool handles... everything ! Even put it on their vessel roller wheels... the vessel shell just sits there, won't rotate.  Pull out their tape measure and paint it black , leaving about 6ft. at the start  useable... sprinkle sneezing powder in the hood roll it around and dump the excess out... put their truck up on blocks, with the wheels barely off the ground... watch their faces when it won't go...revvin' it and cussin', its funny...
Parent - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 07-25-2008 16:11
Ahhhhh lets see....
We had some digital wire feeders that you could get into and toy with the settings. It was funny to see the big blue flash of the .035 wire taking everything the power source could throw at it (probably around 300 + amps, 30 something volts) and loosing. burn backs a fun setting to toy with, especially when you could make the machine think your only doing short stitch welds when the welders expecting to do a nice long fillet.

Nozzle jelly jammed into the gas diffuser was a fun one.

A solvent (or other flammable liquid) soaked rag carefully placed near someone who's welding/grinding.

With GTAW or GMAW, taking the hose from the gas regulator to the machine and stuffing something (tape gum paper) in their to stop up the gas, that one can take hours to figure out.

One that's impressive but I wouldn't recommend (unless you're nuts...), the dreaded "rain of fire". This was accomplished by taking an air gun and a Mig and pointing the air stream right at the arc.
Bad news if you're on the receiving end... I've seen molten metal fly a good 60+ feet and still be hot enough to make someone dance. Like I said, BAD idea, but very impressive to watch.

One sleepy morning in welding school I walked into my booth and went to take my bench off the desk, only to find it welded solid to the table... along with all the pieces I was working on...
The guy who did it wasn't too happy when I turned his truck into my own personal garbage can... ;)
Parent - - By sqiggy (**) Date 07-25-2008 15:58
OK, the 3 man lift. You have 4 guys, 3 of them are in on the joke. You get the smallest man to say "I bet $$$$ I can pick up 3 men all at the same time"!!! Have another guy say he can't. Let this go back and forth with the "4th" guy watching and listening in. What happens is, the guy that is going to do the lifting, picks out the men he wants to lift. The 3 men lay on the ground side by side. They all lock their arms and legs together, which means, the guy in the middle can't move AT ALL!!! The man going to do the lift, walks up, bends over like he's going to grab them to pick up, but instead, he un-zips the middle man's pants, and fills his manhood with a tube of grease!!!

Cut the string blindfolded;
This is where a guy lays a string on a wooden skid and has his co workers take turns trying to cut it with a axe while blindfolded. The ones in on it will miss on purpose. So, now it's your "victim's" turn. But before he starts, remove his cap, saying he'll get a better swing on it. Lay his cap down on the skid. As he swings the axe down on his cap, tell him he missed and try again. Keep doing this till he figures somethings up. When he takes his blindfold off, his cap will be in pieces.

Zip Lock Bag Bomb;
After lunch, I would keep my sandwich bag, along with other co-workers. At the end of the shift, we would fill with oxygen/acetylene mix. Then we would place them under where the next shift would pick up on the weld out. Cover the bags just enough where they wouldn't notice them, but still take sparks to set it off. Come in next morning and ask the night shift if they had a "blast" last night!!!   
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 07-25-2008 16:28
Someone mentioned above about the snake in the umbrella trick. Prank gone wrong... Well, we had a guy we were working with out in the tank yard of a refinery that was deathly afraid of snakes.  So we put a rubber snake in the flip down visor of the truck to scare him a little.  It worked, and he ended up driving off one of the levies surrounding the tank inbetween the road and levy.  Most of you know how steep those levies are so you can imagine the truck dam near vertical, stuck down in the ditch inbetween the levy and the road.  That part wasn't supposed to  It's dam funny now, but our jaws were dropped while it was happening. OOOPS
Parent - - By gshuma (**) Date 07-25-2008 23:22
Many years ago we worked with a guy that was always pulling something on us, good ones too.
He was terified of rats and he opened in the morning. We rigged a string and a rag and it hit him in the back of the neck perfectly.
When we came in he was still white and shaking. He went home sick and died there of a heart attack.
We felt terrible but his wife and kids told us that he would have done the same to us had he thought of it.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 07-26-2008 03:36
I don't think I've seen this one yet; Bet the newbie that he can not bend one pound of 7018's behind his neck. Of course if he does all the flux goes down his back.

And by the way, you're all fired and some of you will be going to jail!!
Especially you pyrLynr, when do you find time to work :) j/k
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-26-2008 07:44
Jeeezzzzzzz..... guy's.... I hate being a spoil-sport, KNOWING this is the off-topic section, but hopefully our readers won't be trying some of these pranks as some could be dangerous or at least damaging to equipment, etc.... Sorry... please think about this?
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-26-2008 11:30
swsweld, I have been in this industry for a long time and I have seen ALOT. Even worse, I haven't forgot either. When you work in a production shop you have some boredom. You have to pass the time somehow.
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 07-26-2008 12:07
Take the clear lense out of a hood and either paint it black, or write on it with a marker, let it dry put it back in the hood they'll find it when they start to weld agin.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 07-27-2008 01:37
I once asked buddy while he was welding if QC had been by for some spark samples. His green helper who was keen for anything asked what was needed. I told him to get an empty coffee can from the lunch room and catch as many sparks when his welder was welding. I also told him to get under that pipe too because thats where the best sparks were. And then he was to hightail to QC's office before the sparks went stale 'cause QC hated stale sparks.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 07-27-2008 02:26
I sent a helper to get a bucket of steam so I could pour it down a pipe and check the welds for leaks. He looked for an hour asking every one where to get it. Someone finally told him the joke
Parent - - By F-Superduty (*) Date 07-27-2008 02:33
my old welding teacher told a couple of kids from a construction major to go out side with some wrenches and take the wheels of the miscarriage sittin outside. without hesitation they went to the toolbox grabbed some wrenches and went outside to the metal shed... couple minutes went by when one came and asked me where it was. I wasnt in on the joke at the moment but i knew the joke from previous experience... the kid was like hey your teacher told us to go outside and take the wheels off some miscarriage... do you(me) know where its at.... soon as i heard that i was like ohhh...yeahh its right out there in the shed, hangin up on the wall. He said "oh... ok" and went back out with his buddies... now 10 minutes pass by and they all come in sorta pissed... "we cant find this ****ing thing... show us where its at!"  OK well alright go out to the shed and let them in on the joke... kids just laughed and felt like idiots and walked back to their class where they shoulda stayed to begin with lol
Parent - - By banshee35 (**) Date 07-27-2008 02:53
get a couple of buddies and the new hand together and get a 80# bag of sackcrete. make bets with a few of the buddies seein who can hold the sackrete up over their head the longest. naturally the green hand will want to show how stout he is, and when he does and holds that sack up there for a little while, get one of the buddies to sneak around w/ a knife and slit that sack right down the middle with all the concrete matter falling down all over the greenie. priceless!

we did this to a hand twice in one day, man, he was slow to the joke, he thought the sack just busted the first time!
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 07-27-2008 04:05
A fitter told me how a new guy was just so anxious to do something..anything. So buddy sent the guy to the tool crib for a "long weight". I guess the tool crib had a good laugh after telling the guy to just stand over to the side of the line for a "long wait".
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 07-27-2008 04:16
I sent a guy to the parts room one time to get an I-D-10-T (a.k.a idiot) flux compasiter, the same dude about a week early was on a cement job, the other hands sent him to look for a pipe stretcher, cause the high pressure iron was to short to rig up to the well, he walked two miles back down the location road looking for it, this dude is slow, real slow.

I also sent a dude to look for some 3/4 x 3/4 x 3/4 Angle iron one time, he fell for it.

Some time its to easy to do it to the dumb ones
Parent - By Sharp Tungsten (**) Date 07-27-2008 16:48
I sent a rookie to the tool room for a fallopian tube bender one time. The tool room guy just played along with it and sent the rookie off to the weld inspector to ask him. It was pretty funny but we got yelled at by the super who was standing beside the weld ins. when the rookie asked for it.
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 07-28-2008 15:50
Just don't pass your time in such a way that it might damage MY product that you're supposed to be fabricating.  Try to restrict your killing each other to methods that don't affect weld quality.

Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 07-28-2008 16:39
Well shucks I am surprized no one tried tieing 3ea  20' (or longer) 1" rebar together and make bets on who can Clean & jerk them. Works real good when you have several college football players on a summer job.
Parent - By Erikgr7 (*) Date 08-16-2008 07:04
Well I pulled this one the other day.

Our hoods have two lenses. One clear and a filter. I took the clear
one out of my buddies hood and put two number 12 filters in..He started
welding couldn't see a

Once I came by and removed his ground. He fooled with the machine for
like two minutes before he realized it wasn't
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