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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / CWI Wanted
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-28-2008 19:07
Wanted Dead or Alive!

I have a head hunter looking for a CWI (no experience required) for a position in South Western Connecticut (Fairfield County). The position is full time, structural steel, concrete, soils, etc. This would be a good position for a new CWI that doesn't have a lot of experience in the field.

Anyone interested?

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By ravi theCobra (**) Date 07-28-2008 19:19
How much do you want this guy to know  ?

Do you want a CWI   or  that PLUS  a  concrete  and soils  guy  ?
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 07-28-2008 22:33
Conn. is an EXPENSIVE place to live/work.  You'll need to offer some pretty high pay and per diem even to get an entry level person to live there.

PM me with details as I'm curious.
Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 07-29-2008 01:07
I agree!
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-29-2008 02:03
I couldn't agree with you more. Connecticut, especially Fairfield County, is high price turf.

They want a newbie CWI that is willing to learn the other aspects of construction materials testing. It may be a good position for someone without experience.

All I can do is pass your name on to the head hunter if you are interested.

Parent - - By Jeffrey Grady (***) Date 07-29-2008 03:35
I was just called by a head hunter two dats ago. They asked me if i would be interested in a Job in Peoria, IL as a certified Welding Inspector (CWI). I informed this fella that the key word in that is "CERTFIED". The job was for inspecting structural steel weldments. I then informed him that the governing body fir this was the AWS. he kept going with his need for a CWI and asked if AWS certification wasn't going to be a deal breaker...would i consider working the gig. I said yes just to make him go look up the required information. Haven't heard back yet. I  laughed my ass off after getting off of the phone with this guy.
Respectfully, Jeffrey
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-29-2008 14:51
Hello Jeff;

With your welder training as a basis of entry into QC and inspection, they may consider you to be a good candidate if they can't find someone with the CWI credential.

Inspection experience is one of the experience categories that can be used to sit for the CWI examination.

Don't write off the position just because you don't have the CWI at this time. Never say never and see what they are offering for money before saying no to the opportunity.

Best regard - Al 
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-29-2008 15:17 Edited 07-29-2008 15:20
I have got some exp. in inspecting and record keeping in that area. What would be a good wage for that caliber of work? I have been studying to take the test but just haven't had the extra cash . I am currently a  construction inspector specializing in the welding field for the government and I'm a certified welder and fitter, and have been for about 18  yrs.  Am I good candidate for this type of position? If so , you could contact me ... Keith Armentrout  (830)385-2102
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-29-2008 15:51
A good wage is as much as you can squeeze out of them.

I would think that $25/hr would be the minimum, but you have experience. The CWI credential would be worthwhile pursuing.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-29-2008 16:02
I'm drawing 26.25/hr right now... if they want me in the north , they better line my pockets!
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-29-2008 16:42
That's the name of the game, if they want you, they have to be willing to pay for you.

Parent - By ravi theCobra (**) Date 07-29-2008 15:54
The CWI  is  a binary  credential  -  either you  HAVE  one  or  you  don't  -unless  Associate  CWI's  are allowed  to sign papers  /
Parent - - By zincsvtcobra (*) Date 07-30-2008 00:23
im interested i have right at 3 years mig and tig exper.  i need some info.

Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 07-30-2008 00:48
Too many cobras. I'm out.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-30-2008 01:32
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-30-2008 03:41
Send me a private e-mail message and I'll send you the contact information.

Good luck - Al
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 07-31-2008 22:43
I turned down a CWI job that paid $38.00 an hour with $100 a day periem.
It was in an area that has half the cost of living of Conn.

I am also a new CWI but have lots of welding experience.  BEWARE of the jobs that request new CWI's.  There is a reason why.
The job I turned down has had THREE people KILLED on site since construction started.  That's why they
are offering it to me..............................all the experienced CWI's leave in short order.  FWIW.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-31-2008 22:49
The three top reasons that I have seen for companys wanting new CWI's are: In no particular order:

They do not want to pay much.

The environment is jacked up.

They want a yes man.

Now some will say that the "fresh slate" is what some are looking for. I call BS on that, as I have been around this block a time or two and while sometimes this does happen it is FAR & FEW between.

You get what you pay for and quality inspection services do not come cheap.

Parent - - By arrowside (**) Date 08-01-2008 22:53
While we are on the topic, let me ask you guys a question. Now, I am 35 yrs. old, 2 yrs. welding in High school, immediately after high scool i got my A.A.S. in welding technology. Worked at a couple of small shops right out of school, then went to a major plant in my area that builds CNC equipment for 12 yrs., where  I worked in the fab shop, then did a few yrs. in maintinence as a millwright. They fell on hard times, so during my time of unenjoyment I became a CWI.

     I am still searching for a CWI position. I am currently welding, and posess 4 different certs. The question is: With my education, experience, and CWI rating, is 50,000.00 a yr. to start as a CWI too much to ask?
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 08-03-2008 14:52
If you break that down to 40 hours a week it comes to 24/hr.
No, I dont think that is too much to ask.
If great benefits, job close to home, good job conditions, provide the opportunity to acquire other certs were part of the deal then maybe.
I feel that with the huge shortage of welders and certified inspectors in the USA that the hiring companies should be prepared to pay more than they did in the 80'.

It also depends on your location, the economy and job market there.
Cost of living is higher in your state (NY) than in mine(NC).
There are a lot of factors as to the answer to your question. IMO it is not too much to ask.
Good luck with your CWI job search.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / CWI Wanted

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